We Maths The BIG Stupid Question Volume 2 Contributions from Lancashire Mathematics Teachers & Subject Leaders
We Maths How many hairs are on your head?
We Maths How much air does it take to fill a balloon?
We Maths What volume of liquid do you drink in a year?
We Maths How many blades of grass on a football pitch?
We Maths How many strawberries in a jar of jam?
We Maths How many hours do you sleep?
We Maths If you tied all the shoe laces in school together, how far would they reach?
We Maths How long is the spaghetti in a bowl of spaghetti bolognaise?
We Maths What can you buy with £10?
We Maths What would it take to balance these scales?
We Maths By how much does a room shrink when you paint the walls?
We Maths What would a year’s worth of toenail clippings weigh?
We Maths How far is a football kicked during a match?
We Maths How many grains of sand in the Sahara desert?
We Maths If you never cut your hair, how long would it grow in your lifetime?
We Maths How many polos would you need to fill the holes in a tube of polos?
We Maths On a car, how many time does a wheel go around before it needs replacing?
We Maths If you were made of money, how much would you be worth?
We Maths Men are running faster all the time. When will it take 0 seconds to run the 100m race?
We Maths If you’re worth your weight in gold, how much are you worth?
We Maths A spoonful of sugar, helps the medicine go down! How many grains of sugar is that?
We Maths I’m on a diet! If I lose a pound a week, how long before I fade away?
We Maths How many minutes are played in a Premiership season?
We Maths If all the members of facebook set up their own country, which country would they fill?
We Maths How long does it take to spread a rumour?
We Maths If you used all the daisies in England to make a daisy chain, how long would it be?
We Maths How many peas in a pod?
We Maths If a cow did jump over the moon, how high would it have to jump?
We Maths How long is a piece of string?
We Maths How many rectangles are there in a room?
We Maths How far does the white ball travel in a game of snooker?
We Maths If all the traffic cones on the M6 rang the traffic cone helpline, how much would it cost?