AGENDA General Info Benefits of the Athletic Fee FY16 Financials Georgia and ACC Comparisons Future Requests
ATHLETIC FEE $254 fall/spring = $5M annually Allows GIT to maintain championship level athletics program Alignment with Institute’s “whole student experience” objectives No fee increase request for
STUDENT BENEFITS Access to seats in prime sections for all Football and Men’s Basketball home contests – 8,675 seats available at Bobby Dodd Stadium – 900 seats available at McCamish
STUDENT BENEFITS – ATTENDANCE – Averaged 8,240 students per football game Student allotment “sold” out for Miami - additional inventory was made available for students – Student allotment “sold” out for MBB vs.
STUDENT BENEFITS Unlimited access to all other home athletic events to include women’s basketball, baseball, volleyball, softball, tennis,
STUDENT BENEFITS Discounted or free student tickets to post season competitions – Example - $40 subsidy for ACC Championship (1,045 sold) 40% discount on football, men’s basketball, and baseball tickets for young
STUDENT BENEFITS Use of practice courts at Ken Byers Tennis
STUDENT BENEFITS Operating expenses for Marching Band and Cheerleading programs – includes bowl travel (18 straight seasons) Marketing and promotions – T-shirts (white/gold-out), pom-poms,
STUDENT BENEFITS Salary expenses for student assistantships (team managers, interns, tutors, GAs, etc.) Facility rental discounts provided to student- organizations – Ex. Commencement, Sting Hunger, Ramblin On Facility maintenance expenses for designated student
COMPARISONS – STATE OF 2 nd lowest athletic fee and revenue % in Georgia
COMPARISONS - 2 nd lowest fee revenue % in the ACC Athletic Fees - UVA = $657; BC = $316 -Clemson may increase from $0 to $350
FUTURE REQUESTS GTAA has not received an increase in over 4 years, but costs have risen by over 13% since FY12. NCAA autonomy, legislation, and litigation will impact budget in the immediate future – Estimated costs of $2M-3M – Ex. cost-of-attendance, enhanced insurance coverage, payment for name, image, and
FUTURE REQUESTS GTAA will implement “zero-based” budgeting in FY16 to more effectively allocate resources to address future needs. Request funding for projects/initiatives that directly impact students and/or student- athletes – Potential examples New or enhanced student promotion strategies Enhancements for the marching band program Grant-In-Aid increases to cost-of-attendance Facility upgrades for Bobby Dodd student
HOW YOU CAN HELP Promote attendance at all athletic events Educate fellow students on the benefits and participation opportunities Know that GTAA working to further engage the student body into college