Il programma NHXM sviluppato dall'ASI Ing. Mauro Piermaria New Hard X-Ray Mission Workshop Nazionale 12 e 13 novembre 2009 – ASDC, Frascati.


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Presentation transcript:

Il programma NHXM sviluppato dall'ASI Ing. Mauro Piermaria New Hard X-Ray Mission Workshop Nazionale 12 e 13 novembre 2009 – ASDC, Frascati


New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 3  NHXM is the ASI program with the aim to launch a new mission for Hard X-ray observations  Pre-phase A study, in the NHXM frame, mainly relevant to the Simbol-X collaboration has been conducted; 9/2006 – 1/2007.  NHXM phase A contract with Mirror technological development, MSC satellite of Simbol-X development and Exit-Sat Satellite development started in 7/2007.  First change with deeper analysis on mirror technology (Ni-Co electroforming, Multilayer deposition)  Second change with the development of a common platform for MSC and DSC (to be used also for EXIT-SAT)  Conclusion of the NHXM phase A (Simbol-X and Exit-Sat phase A), 1/2009. Initial duration of 13 months, extended to 18 months.  A further technological study (only on X-rays multilayer mirrors), continuation of the work performed during the NHXM phase A, has been initiated in 3/2009, and still on going. DEVELOPMENTS OF THE ASI NHXM PROGRAM

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 4  Continuous collaboration with CNES on Simbol-X program, while only Italian involvement on EXIT-SAT mission.  Continuous improvement of the knowledge by confrontation with our program partners  Conclusion of the ASI-CNES collaboration on Simbol-X Program, 4/2009.  Internal Agency resources (8+1 persons).  INAF resources (from different locations and institute)  Industrial resources (TAS-I, MLT, BCV, TPZ, INAF-OAB)  Large but efficient integrated team working on NHXM for almost 2 years.  Once again, demonstrated ability for such a team, to deal and interact productively with other international partners. NHXM PHASE A: THE PEOPLE

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 5 NHXM PHASE A: PRODUCT TREE

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 6 ASI TAS- I (ex AAS- I) Prime NHXM PHASE A: INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 7  SIMBOL X-  MSC SVM Design definition  I/F Design definition (MSC- DSC and MSC - Soyuz)  Mechanical and Thermal Models  Ground Segment network structure and functions implementation  Operations Strategy Implementation  Frozen Final Mission Architecture  Model Philosophy definition  Engineering Support to ASI (JPO)  Cost evaluation HEXITSAT  Preliminary HexitSat Design  Ground Segment preliminary implementation  Mission architecture Operations Strategy Implementation  HXMT Compatibility evaluation MIRROR MODULE  Materials and process optimization  MM engineering  Mirror shells electroforming and replication  MM scientific liaison  Design T/M analysis  Structural design & analysis  Prototypes production and delivery of Mandrels and multilayered sample shells  Technology Assessment NHXM PHASE A: DETAILED ACTIVITIES

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 8 HEXITSAT SIMBOL-X MSC DSC HXMT NHXM PHASE A: THE COMMON PLATFORM

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 9 SIMBOL-X MAIN CARACHTERISTICS Concept:  high-energy new generation telescope, spectral range from classical X-rays to hard X-rays ( keV); 2 orders of magnitude better in sensibility and spatial resolution.  Long focal length using Formation Flying.  Mirror and Detector mounted on two different spacecrafts in Formation Flying.  High elliptical orbit ( km) Optics:  Shells mechanics from of Italian know how  Reflecting material: multilayer to increase the field of view and the spectral bandwidth Focal plane:  Passive collimator with active anticoincidence  Two superposed spectro-imager (Low Energy 0.5–20 keV; High Energy CdTe 15–100 keV) Mirror Satellite Detector Satellite Field-of-View 12 arcmin Line-of-Sight Reconstruction 4.7 arcsec Absolute pointing 20 arcsec +/-1 cm 20 m

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 10  Four Mirror modules (12 mirror each), multilayer optics.  Four detectors, each aligned with the corresponding mirror  Focal distance 8-10m (deployable truss)  Kg /600 W Satellite class  Near circular equatorial orbit, 600 Km altitude (Beppo-sax like).  Utilisation of the Malindi Station EXIT-SAT: MAIN SPECIFICATIONS

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 11 Deployable Truss Service Module Focal Plane Assembly Solar Array Folded configuration, in the VEGA Launcher fairing EXIT-SAT: CONFIGURATION

New Hard X-ray Mission Workshop; ASDC, Frascati12-13 novembre 2009Ing. Mauro Piermaria 12  During the last period, ASI made big efforts to pursue the NHXM Program (financial and HR).  We envisaged a broad involvement by the Italian community, either scientific and industrial.  The Simbol-X project, and the collaboration with the French partners, unfortunately stopped, brought a lot of experience on this kind of mission, for both scientific and engineering issues.  Feasibility of Exit-Sat and Simbol-X missions at the end of the projects phase A has been proved. By the way, some Items of Exit-Sat mission need to be further investigated.  ASI (and the collaboration network) has availability of know how, results and documentation on the above mentioned projects. CONCLUSIONS