1 Data taking period E1 Plots E1 - August 5th. Producing the plots Triggers used Plots I.Trigger. II.Luminosity. III.Jets. IV.Leptons. V.MET. What Next?


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Presentation transcript:

1 Data taking period E1 Plots E1 - August 5th

Producing the plots Triggers used Plots I.Trigger. II.Luminosity. III.Jets. IV.Leptons. V.MET. What Next? Contents 2

Producing the plots Started from the Top WG Twiki TopPhysdAODValidation version (info on D2PD production) - (trigger forum) List of Top dAODs from 2010 Collisions - group.phys- top.D2PD_rel _data10_7TeV physics_Egamma.merge.AOD.f280_m _00_D2AODM_TOPEL Data is broke up into different trigger streams - egamma - Muon - JetTauEtMiss - minBias 3

Integrated luminosity For each data Period Producing the plots A to C May Reprocessing D1 to D6 July 5th to July 21st E1 to E4 Aug 5th to Aug 18th 4 Collision Data

Trigger L1 Hardware trigger Information is taken from Calorimeter and Muon Spectrometer L1_EM10, L1_EM14, L1XE40 and L1_MU10 all pass events L2 Software Trigger Looks at RoI L2_e10_medium, L2_e15_medium and L2_e20_loose all pass events. EF Offline reconstruction Algs are used Only partial reconstruction takes place at RoI EF_e10_medium, EF_e15_medium and EF_e20_loose NO Prescale - 1 to 1 events passed 5

Plots-Trigger L Events Lost 7,118 Events L Events Lost 4694 Events EF Events 6

Plots-Luminosity Block (LB) LB - A time interval that allows for calculation of the dead- time and prescale corrected luminosity. The length of LB is set by the LB supervisor. 7

Plots-Jets 8

Plots-Electrons 9 Crack region < |eta| < 1.52 (between barrel and endcap)

Plots-Muons 10

Plots-MET 11

What Next? I.Good Run Lists This webpage contains the basic information about the latest data and MC processing and basic information about the GoodRunList, the Luminosity calculation and known problems with the data or simulation for a given processing campaign. II.Trigger Menus Trigger contact: David Berge III.D2PD - IV.Skimming - TopPhysD2PDEventFilters - An output Stream is created for each filter - Stream I used was TOPEL “ElectronStream” - TOPEL Selects at least one electron with Pt>10 GeV - Other Streams Muon, QCDElectron, QCDMuon, QCD Jet, QCD lepton jet