Title your next open page: A ccommodations in Space Travel Accommodation: anything that supplies a need, want, favor, or convenience.
The Space Shuttle Rocket Boosters: Slingshot Effect: Orbiter (Space Shuttle): Thermal Protection System (heat shield): Sketch everything shown below in your journal on 2 separate pages and label the headings as shown. Effects of Microgravity on Human Body Effect on Muscles: Effect on Bones: Microgravity general info: Accommodations in Space Travel
Instructions Use the corresponding websites on the following slides to fill in your two charts. Find at least 1 idea per mini topic (7 statements total). – You can include facts, specific information about how it accommodates space travel, summarizations of material read, etc. – There is not specific “answers” you will need to find. The purpose of this activity is to give you exposure to each of these topics so any information you find on these mini topics will be beneficial to you.
Research: The International Space Station – html#.VV4M3EYYE6c 58.html#.VV4M3EYYE6c Effects of Microgravity on Human Body PPT must be in Slide Show mode to click on the links
The Space Shuttle Research: The International Space Station – Slingshot effect: Rocket/Fuel: – Scroll down to the bottom of this webpage page to find addition links Orbiter: Thermal Protection System: thermalprotectionsystem.html thermalprotectionsystem.html
The next two slides have information on: Protective Space Suit Basic Needs These are here for you to read and research interesting information if you finish early. You do not have to record information for these two topics..
Basic Needs Research: The International Space Station –
Protective Space Suit Research: The International Space Station – – Click: Space travel Spacesuits Parts