QA4EO Update on the Quality Assurance Framework For Earth Observation Joint GSICS GDWG-GRWG meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

QA4EO Update on the Quality Assurance Framework For Earth Observation Joint GSICS GDWG-GRWG meeting

2 QA4EO Background (1 / 2) The GEOSS community represents a wide variety of disciplines, which utilise a multitude of monitoring methodologies and procedures In order to reliably integrate their outputs into the various systems and services, supporting the Earth Observation (EO) needs of Society, the following principle is set forth: “All EO data and derived products must have associated with them a documented and fully traceable quality indicator (QI)”. The QA4EO initiative seeks to ensure the implementation of this principle in a harmonious and consistent manner throughout all EO communities to the benefit of all stakeholders.

3 QA4EO Background (2 / 2) QA4EO is an initiative of the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) QA4EO was recognized as a Task in the GEO work plan, with a view to develop a Quality Assurance framework applicable to all disciplines of environmental observation The initiators of QA4EO intend to consult major EO communities in order to ensure its wide applicability  GSICS Executive Panel has provided feedback  WMO (incl. President of CIMO) participated in the QA4EO workshop on “Facilitating the Implementation of QA4EO” in Septe/Oct 2009 in Antalya, Turkey.

4 CoMPONENTS OF THE QA4EO A one-page summary will describe the key principle of QA4EO and become the primary reference.  This document will contain all pre-requisite information against which compliance can be assessed and will constitute QA4EO. A framework document explains the principles and introduces the Key Guidelines based on best practices The Key Guidelines provide additional details Where appropriate, they are complemented by templates and examples related to specific application areas

5 QA4EO Principles QA4EO Essential Principle Data and derived products shall have associated with them a fully traceable indicator of their quality Quality Indicators A Quality Indicator (QI) should provide sufficient information to allow all users to readily evaluate its the “fitness for purpose” of the data or derived product Traceability A QI shall be based on a documented and quantifiable assessment of evidence demonstrating the level of traceability to internationally agreed (where possible SI) reference standards

6 set of SEVEN Key Guidelines

7 Additional principles (1) Data Management The data product must be freely and readily available / accessible / useable in an unencumbered manner for the good of the GEOSS community, for both current and future users. This necessitates that all EO data and associated support information (metadata, processing methodologies, QA, etc.) is associated with the means to effectively implement a quality indicator. In return, the provider must be consistently acknowledged.

8 Additional principles (2) Documentation Management and Outreach Sound and effective harmonised documentation management is needed to facilitate and enhance interoperability and achieve the objectives of consistent and traceable quality information. To enable this activity, all stakeholders must have a clear understanding of the adequacy of the information that they are accessing and using for their specific application. The evidence for this clarity should ideally be accessible through a centralised portal and should be fully traceable to its origins. The traceability and interoperability process must be understandable by any ppropriately trained individual within GEOSS and efforts must be made to encourage the wider usage of information and facilitate the training of GEOSS users.

9 QA4EO self declaration The GEO QA4EO process should initially be established as a self-declaring process.  Where organisations already have well established and documented quality management systems and processes e.g. WMO, this process will be relatively simple and transparent.  In other cases a questionnaire/template will be drafted to enable data providers to make visible the evidence that supports any declared quality information for users to assess its adequacy. The questionnaire will make clear the requirements needed for QA4EO compliance and thus also be educational.  The GEO data depository/portal will be evolved to allow and encourage the assignment of a QI, linked with the “quality questionnaire”, with each data set and ensure its presence or absence is visible to the user.

10 GOVERNANCE ASPECTS A QA4EO Coordination Body will be established in order to reflect the cross-cutting nature and importance of this task at the GEO level.  In the longer-term this body should include representatives from other GEO tasks and all Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs).  The QA4EO Coordination Body would monitor progress and provide a guidance, harmonisation and capacity building function, not regulatory at this time. A High-level implementation and action plan will be drafted to facilitate the expansion and where necessary the applicability of QA4EO to the wider EO community and to engage data providers and users.

11 MORE: The whole material developed by the QA4EO is to be found on the QA4EO website (