ROTH IRA VS. TRADITIONAL IRA TEAM 6 Vicente C. Gonzaga & Erl Malboeuf
The Pitch You are a 25-year-old newly-independent with an engineering degree and have landed a position with $60,000 gross annual pay. You estimate that your income will raise 5% every year, and you anticipate saving 10% of your annual salary for input into IRA retirement funds.
The ISSUE Which option do you choose? Traditional IRA or Roth IRA This, folks, is where good ol’ economic analysis and some planning ahead can make a significant difference. We will analyze the net benefit of both options based on the given scenario and current/prospective taxation trends.
The lay-down. ROTH IRA Pros: Tax-deferred withdrawals Cons Contribution cap per year Contributions are taxed based on income bracket (not on the size of the contribution itself)
The other lay-down. Traditional IRA Pros Contributions are tax deferred Contributions are not capped Cons Taxed on each withdrawal Withdrawals are taxed based on the withdrawal amount
Look forward to it! d-(^_^)z