TEMPUS IV MASTS Master curriculum design workshop in Nis Subject Teacher Education Master Programme at University of Belgrade
New organization of teacher education at Faculty of Philosophy Graduate studies level: Psychology for teachers, 6 ECTS General pedagogy with didactics, 6 ECTS Subject didactics, 6 ECTS Master studies level: Teaching methods and techniques, 6 ECTS Methods of evaluation in teaching, 6 ECTS Practice in school, 6 ECTS
Structure of UB programme STRUCTURAL ENTITIESECTS Bases of pedagogical and psychological teacher education 18 Pedagogical and psychological education – elective courses 9 School practice 1 3 Subject didactic of appropriate subject or a group of teaching subjects 6 Subject didactics - elective courses 9 School practice 2 3 Master thesis 12
Introduction to pedagogical and psychological teacher education Mandatory course - 4 ECTS Main goals of the interdisciplinary course – understand the complexity of teachers’ work, understanding line of professional development and meeting diversity of competences, attitudes and values important for teacher work Short description: Understanding teachers roles and competencies one teacher needs at different stages of professional development, Understanding importance of education oriented towards holistic development of the student, different approaches to teaching profession, school as learning community and open system, child as an individual and the class as a group, interaction in classroom and the teacher as the agent of socialization, Development of professional identity
Psychology for teachers Mandatory course - 5 ECTS Main goal is that: Students understand relationship between cognitive, social, emotional and moral development and learning Students understand socio-emotional factors of school learning Students understand the importance of context and appreciation of individual differences regarding abilities, motivation, personality traits, learning styles, social background etc. Students gain tools for evidence-based decision making Students are provided with support in confidence building throughout teacher roles
Planning and evaluation in teaching Mandatory course - 5 ECTS Main goal is that: Students understand planning, realization and evaluation as components of teaching and their relationship Students understand different orientations in teaching planning and are able to plan educational work based on understanding contemporary models and principles of teaching Students are familiar with different forms, methods and functions of monitoring and evaluation of teaching and students' work Students are able to plan activities and procedures of monitoring and evaluation and to make use of evaluation results in improving teaching and enhancing students’ learning
Methods of interactive teaching Mandatory course - 4 ECTS Main goal is that: Students understand starting points and principles for the design of interactive teaching Students have knowledge about methods and techniques of interactive teaching and are able to plan and use them in teaching Students understand principles and effects of cooperative learning and are able to plan group work and to facilitate group interaction Students are equipped with teamwork skills and are ready to take responsibilities for the teaching process
SCHOOL PRACTICE 1 Mandatory – 3 ECTS Familiarizing with the school as institution, the teacher's tasks and roles. Practical tasks related to aims and contents of the Bases of Pedagogical and Psychological Teacher Education.
PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EDUCATION – ELECTIVE COURSES at least 9 ECTS in total Educational work with students with special needs Schools as institution Communication skills Mediation Team work Information technologies in education Adult education Literacy and school curricula Teacher as a researcher Multicultural education Prevention of violence in school …
SUBJECT DIDACTIC MODULE Didactics of respective subject or a group of teaching subjects - Mandatory, 6 ECTS Planning, realization and evaluation of teaching in the context of aims and contents of particular school subjects or groups of subjects. School practice 2 – Mandatory, 3 ECTS Practical tasks related to aims and contents of the Subject didactics. Subject didactics - elective courses, at least 9 ECTS in total Depending on the subject selection the students develop abilities for the specifities of educational work within a particular school subject: work with students of different age, type and levels of education; in different types of the teaching process (theoretical, practical, laboratory), in the realization of different curricular contents.
MASTER THESIS Mandatory - 12 ECTS Master thesis contains a research of a practical problem/s in the teacher's work. The theme is related to psychological, pedagogical, didactic and/or subject didactics aspects of the teacher's work, and the evaluation committee is interdisciplinary.
Current HOT topics… needs graduates from variety of scientific disciplines are interested for this MA studies problems …there are no university teachers of subject didactic (SD) for each of this disciplines... solutions ? how should subject didactic module be organized to satisfy this variety of needs? how to develop SD teachers for the future…?
Our current ideas… To organize SD to correspond continuously changing schools’ needs and MA students’ needs To provide flexibility for students to choose SD that they find most useful for their future work as subject teachers That all teachers of SD engaged in MA programme develop SD courses in cooperation To provide support for development of (future) SD teachers