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SOC 490 Entire Course SOC 490 Week 1 DQ 1 Per sonal and Professional R elevance SOC 490 Week 1 DQ 2 Me thodology for Selecting a Sample Population SOC 490 Week 1 Capston e Topic Selection SOC 490 Week 2 DQ 1 Soc ial Theories SOC 490 Week 1 Capstone Topic Sel ection Capstone Project Topic Selection. R ead the final Capstone Project instr uctions in the “Components of Cour se Evaluation” section of this guide or in the Week Five section of your online course. E ach week’s assignment will be a maj or component of the Capstone Proje ct. Chapters 1 through 3 will guide y ou in the process of outlining your t opic. Identify and describe a key issue tha SOC 490 Week 1 Capstone Topic
SOC 490 Week 1 DQ 1 Personal and SOC 490 Week 1 DQ 1 Pe rsonal and Professional Relevance Personal and Professiona l Relevance. Your researc h proposal for your Capst one Project should be written on a topic SOC 490 Week 1 DQ 2 M ethodology for Selecting a Sample Population Methodology for Selecti ng a Sample Population. Your Capstone Project wi ll focus on a specific sam ple population for future SOC 490 Week 1 DQ 2 Methodology for
SOC 490 Week 2 Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography. The purpose of the annot ated bibliography is to as sist you in developing res earch analysis skills inclu SOC 490 Week 2 DQ 1 S ocial Theories Social Theories. There ar e three primary social th eories (functionalism, co nflict theory, and symbol ic interactionism) which are SOC 490 Week 2 DQ 1 Social Theories
SOC 490 Week 2 DQ 2 Annotated Bibliography SOC 490 Week 2 DQ 2 Annotated Biblio graphy Best Practices Annotated Bibliography Best Practices. A s you approach the end of your academic journey, think back to all the research that you have put into this accomplishm ent. You have been writing and honing y our communication skills throughout yo ur academic tenure. This week your assignment is to create a n annotated bibliography. In this discuss ion board, please present the five most i mportant things you have learned about research in your field of study over your t ime at Ashford. These factors could inclu de study tips, time saving techniques SOC 490 Week 3 DQ 1 Ps ychological Perspectives on Social Issues Psychological Perspectiv es on Social Issues. A larg e portion of the social sci ence major is dedicated t o the study of individual, group, and social SOC 490 Week 3 DQ 1 Psychologi
SOC 490 Week 3 DQ 2 Psychological SOC 490 Week 3 DQ 2 Psych ological Reflections on Onlin e Academic Dynamics Psychological Reflections on Online Academic Dynamics. Having studied group and ind ividual psychological theories, as a follow up to this week’s fi rst discussion, analyze your o nline academic experience fro m one of the perspectives found in social psychology SOC 490 Week 3 Proposal for Statistical Research Project Proposal for Statistical Research Project. Having identified a population, an issue/ problem that relates to that specific pop ulation, and then gathered academic resources th at relate to the issue, you will now be ask ed to propose a statistical research project that directly relates to the social i ssue you identified for your selected pop ulation. Pay special attention to Chapter 7 of the text as well, as it has excellent inf ormation on variables that one can adeq uately test and general designs for experi mentation involving statistical SOC 490 Week 3 Proposal for Statistical
SOC 490 Week 4 DQ 1 Ramifications of a SOC 490 Week 4 DQ 1 Ramifications of a Solut ion Ramifications of a Solution. If the key issue th at you are researching were solved, what would be the historical, psychological, ethical, and social ramifications of this soluti on? How would the course of history change if this issue were resolved? How would the group psychology of the population you are studying change or how would it need to change in ord er to solve the problem? How would the ethica l relationships within this group or surroundin g this group change if this key issue were resol ved? And finally, what would be the ramificati ons in society at large if there was a resolution to this key issue/problem? Would these be pos itive or negative? Both? SOC 490 Week 4 DQ 2 Eth ical Research in the Social Sciences Ethical Research in the Soc ial Sciences. Find the most interesting, bizarre, or blat ant example of a violation of good ethical conduct in researc h SOC 490 Week 4 DQ 2 Ethical Research in the
SOC 490 Week 5 Capstone Project Focus of the Capstone Proj ect Develop a research paper, i n which you analyze a key i ssue facing a population se gment in order to propose an area for additional resea rch SOC 490 Week 5 DQ 1 Final Reflecti on Final Reflection. This is the final dis cussion, and because there is only o ne this week, there will be many tas ks. However, they should be quite enjoy able for most of you. In the followin g discussion, you will reflect on your overall academic experience. Reme mber that your answers will in no wa y influence your grade. Instead, they will be used as engines for reflectio n on what SOC 490 Week 5 DQ 1 Final Reflection
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