10 Commandments of FRQ writing in AP Psychology
10 Commandments of AP Psychology FRQ Writing 10 Simple Rules that will help
1. Read both of the questions before you start. O On the exam you will have 50 minutes to write down the answer to two questions (with multiple parts to each question). O In class you will do one FRQ in 25 minutes to practice the speed you should move at on the exam O Answer whichever question first on both the exam and our mid-term
2. Keep track of the questions within a question O Underline as you read the questions what you have to answer in order to score points. O By May, you should be able to estimate the number of points that are possible on each FRQ. Make sure you answer every part of every question to try to gain every point.
3. Identify what the questions are asking you to do O Look at the question words they use: O Define- explain the term and its meaning (can give an example to clarify) O Give an example- explain the term then apply it to a situation. BE SPECIFIC. They need to be able to picture your example O Explain, Discuss, or Relate- make logical and coherent connections among the prompt (or premise), question, and psychological concepts. O Identify- requires that students name or point out psychological concepts as they pertain to the question O Show or Describe- detail the essential characteristics and/or examples of a particular concept, theory, or phenomenon.
4. Answer the question in whatever order you like O It can be helpful to answer the parts of the question in order but you certainly don’t have to. O If you need to go out of order make sure you use the language from the question so that the reader can follow your point. O Underline key words from the prompt as you use them to help the reader follow you if you are going to go out of order in any way.
5. Make sure you write your answer in essay form. O Use complete sentences, and paragraphs (any length you want) to communicate your answers. O AP Readers will NOT look at any lists or anything that appears in outline format. NO BULLET POINTS!
6. Skip the introduction and the conclusion O You don’t have time and the reader does not care O Seriously readers don’t want to read more than they need to so please, please, please, don’t write an intro or conclusion
7. Be specific and careful about your word choice O You know the vocabulary in this course use the language correctly, give examples to bolster your points. O When you give an example be as specific as possible! Make up information that fits within a scenario, use a name, really make sure the reader can visualize your example. O USE WORDS FROM THE PROMPT, CONNECT EVERY POINT YOU MAKE BACK TO THE PROMPT!
8. Use your time wisely. O You only have 25 minutes per question answer the first question and then move on. O Or use the 23, 23, 4 method. Write for 23 minutes on one question, switch to the next question and then spend the last 4 minutes finishing the responses.
9. Guessing can’t hurt you O They cannot take away points for incorrect information. O Incorrect information doesn’t make you lose points it just doesn’t help you gain points so IF you have an idea but are not sure if it is right it is better to try it. O (so long as it doesn’t contradict something else you’ve said)
10. Grammar doesn’t matter! O As long as they can understand the meaning don’t sweat the details too much! O Handwriting doesn’t matter so long as they can read it O You will be writing in pen for this section of the test. Don’t spend the time to completely cover up and scratch out a word that you didn’t mean to write just put a line through it and the readers won’t look at it at all. We know you only have 50 minutes.