Academic Integrity What does it mean to be honest? Another word for honesty is integrity
Here at LSW we strive for…. Academic Integrity When you think of Academic Integrity - What comes to mind here at LSW?
Academic Dishonesty What are some examples you have heard of or witnessed where students were being academically dishonest? Now let us look at the plagiarism quiz
Plagiarism Quiz Adapted from: “Plagiarism Quiz.” Yale Center for Teaching and Learning. Yale University Web. Accessed January 20, “Plagiarism Prevention Quiz.” The Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Division 2 of the American Psychological Association. 25 January Web. vention%20Quiz%20Questions.docx. vention%20Quiz%20Questions.docx “LSW Student Handbook.” Lincoln Southwest High School. Lincoln Public Schools. 27 January Web
About this quiz… The quiz has several questions, both multiple-choice and true or false. Each multiple choice question is followed by an explanation to help you understand the correct answer. The first 500 students who took the full 10 question multiple choice quiz (on Yale’s website) said that about half of the material was familiar, and half caused them to think differently about some aspect of using sources in papers.
Directions After each question, rotate your card so that the answer you select is to the top facing toward your instructor. After everyone in class has picked their answer, your teacher will reveal the correct answer and explain why it is correct.
True or False 1. A person can get in trouble for plagiarism only if the person intended to plagiarize. False 2. If you put someone else’s ideas into your own words and then pass those ideas off as your own, you are committing plagiarism. True 3. You ask a friend to write a paper for you. This is a type of plagiarism. True 4. If you let a friend look at your paper for answers on a test, this is plagiarism. True
5. Which of the following sources can be used without citation? A)Background facts from Wikipedia B) A picture from the Hawk Talk online C) A scholarly article assigned by your teacher D)All require citation
The correct answer is “D.” D) All require citation Many LSW students know that “C” (an article assigned by your teacher) requires citation; there’s a good chance you quoted from factual or scholarly sources in other school writing. But even less formal materials—such as content from the Internet or slides from a presentation— must be cited if you use them in your writing.
True or False 6. You should cite the work of any individual whose ideas, theories, or research have directly influenced your writing. True 7. It is considered acceptable to cite a paper, even if you have not read it. False
8. Which of the following requires citation? A)Ideas from your lecture notes A)Examples suggested by a friend A)Remarks made by other students in a class A)All of the above
The correct answer is “D.” D) All of the above In a sense, this answer is the same as for Multiple Choice Question 5: all sources that inform your paper need to be acknowledged. The examples in Question 8 are meant to illustrate that even if you can’t point to a page number or a website address, you may have gotten help from someone who deserves acknowledgement in your essay.
True or False 9. If you fail to identify direct phrases with the use of quotation marks, you are committing plagiarism. True 10. You don't want to have too many quotations in your paper, so you do not put quotation marks around some of the sentences you copied from a source. You cite the source correctly at the end of the paragraph and in your reference list. This is considered acceptable (i.e., not plagiarized). False
11. If a student plagiarizes, which of the following penalties may apply? A) A failing grade for the paper/assignment and/or the course B) An academic referral to administration C) A disciplinary history that may be reported on the college common application D) All of the above
The correct answer is “D.” D) All of the above As previous discussion in this questionnaire should make plain, Southwest High School takes plagiarism seriously. Although our primary goal is to help you get the most out of your education, we’re also committed to a fair grading environment for other students and an atmosphere of intellectual integrity across campus Note that these penalties apply even if the student involved seems ignorant or confused about the rules regarding plagiarism. At the end of the day, plagiarism is a matter of fact, not intention: sources in a plagiarized paper have not been properly acknowledged, and students are responsible to complete their own work honestly on tests. Responsibility for learning the rules lies with the student.
From the LSW Handbook Academic Integrity Any work that violates the rights of another in academic work or that involves misrepresentation of a student’s work is considered dishonest. Scholastic dishonesty includes cheating on assignments and examinations; plagiarism, which means misrepresenting as one’s own work that which has been done by another person; submitting the same substantially similar papers for more than one course without the consent of all instructors concerned; depriving another of necessary course materials; or sabotaging another’s work. Lack of academic integrity may result in failure of an assignment and/or failure of a course. Additional disciplinary action may occur.