(Emotional Intelligence) EQ and You Emotional Intelligence LAP 6
Describe aspects of emotional intelligence. Discuss the benefits of emotional intelligence. A B (Emotional Intelligence) EQ and You
A Describe aspects of emotional intelligence.
What do employers look for? Technical skills Job experience Emotional intelligence
The ability to recognize and manage emotions in ourselves and others What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Being aware of your own emotions Responding to them appropriately Doing the same with others' emotions
Emotional intelligence ≠ Being emotional Emotional intelligence ≠ Cognitive ability What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship management Emotional Intelligence Skill Sets
Self-Awareness Awareness of emotions Accurate self-assessment Self-confidence
Self-control Transparency Adaptability Achievement Positive attitude Self-Management
Empathy Organizational awareness Service Social Awareness
Effective communication Recognition of others Sense of teamwork Negotiation skills Change catalyst Relationship Management
B Discuss the benefits of emotional intelligence.
Why Is EQ Important? Collaboration can achieve business goals.
Advantages of Emotional Intelligence Communicating needs effectively Responding to criticism Solving problems Being flexible Understanding others' needs Responding to difficult people
How EQ and Leadership Overlap Proactive behavior Perseverance Positive working relationships Confidence
How emotionally smart are you?
Applying for job Need to be fluent in Spanish How transparent would you be?
Acknowledgments Original Developers: April J. Miller and Lelia Ventling, MBAResearch Version 2.0 Copyright © 2012 MBA Research and Curriculum Center Acknowledgments Original Developers: April J. Miller and Lelia Ventling, MBAResearch Version 2.0 Copyright © 2012 MBA Research and Curriculum Center
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