Department of Agriculture “Caring for the land and serving people.”
Secretaries Tom Vilsack is currently the secretary of the department of agriculture, and the deputy secretary is Kathleen Merrigan. Their job is to strengthen the agricultural economy of the United States, by supporting farmers and ranchers.
Historical Highlights of the Dep. Founded in 1862 by Abraham Lincoln The Sharecropping Act replaced slave labor 1946 National School Lunch Act 1964 Food Stamp Act and War on Poverty
Agencies of the Dep. of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service Food Safety and Inspection Service Forrest Service National Agricultural Library Rural Development (these are just a few)
News Yesterday, the USDA announced a request for applications for FY 2014 farm to school grants. On the 1 st of this month, the USDA proposed a new standard in school lunches.
Strengths and Weaknesses The FSIS is having problems enforcing the HMSA (Humane Methods of Slaughter Act). There has recently been a beef recall, which has people questioning the USDA’s oversight of the meat industry. In the past 4 years, the exports of the USDA have exceeded $478 billion. The USDA supports over 1 million jobs, like farmers and ranchers.
Work Cited ome? ome Trade.pdf Trade.pdf st-meat-recall-highlights-usda-weaknesses st-meat-recall-highlights-usda-weaknesses