November 28, 2007 Dominique Boutigny – CC-IN2P3 CC-IN2P3 Update Status
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny2 CPU Consumption (October 2007) Efficiency back to 72% after falling down to 52 % Computer room upgrade work The new farm is ranked 229 in the last top 500 list of supercomputers
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny3 CPU Sharing between scientific domains
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny4 Storage allocation as of September 2007 xrootd: Allocated: 182 TB Used: 104 TB BaBar: 83 TB Virgo: 11.5 TB CMS: 3.5 TB Hess: 1.5 TB Indra: 1 TB dcache: LHC: 592 TB EGEE non LHC: 45 TB Phenix: 10 TB Calice 11 TB HPSS cache: Allocated: 66 To CMS: 6.5 TB Virgo: 2 TB D0: 12 TB General: 39 TB sps: Allocated: 154 TB Snovae: 71.5 TB Planck: 21 TB BaBar: 12 TB CMS: 8 TB Compass: 4.5 TB D0: 3.5 TB Integral: 4 TB Auger: 6.5 TB Phenix 4 TB
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny5 CC-IN2P3 usage by LHC 27%
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny6 Grid Usage at CC-IN2P3 HEP Grid / Total Main experiments using Grid at CC-IN2P3: LHC H1 ILC CDF VIRGO Grid usage is largely dominated by LHC experiments Non HEP Grid usage mainly by the biomed VO but only 0.4% of the CPU
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny7 Main hardware investments in 2007 CPU: 479 DELL computers Dual CPU – Quad Core (INTEL 2.33 GHz) 16 GB Memory (2 GB / core) 9.4 MSI2k (4.5 MSI2k after normalization) Resources dedicated to non LHC experiments are approximately equivalent to the total CC-IN2P3 capacity in % for LHC A new bid is on-going Probably ~ 400 computers similar to the 1 st bid or better Disk: dCache – xrootd – cache HPSS … 1.2 PB – SUN X4500 (Thumpers) 80% for LHC 600 more TB on order Very good performances Total Thumper capacity by January 2008: 2.6 PB
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny8 Main investments in 2007 (cont.) Disks for GPFS Bidding in progress We will probably get 500 à 600 TB of disk storage Decision to deploy the global file system GPFS to replace the old NFS space Global negotiation for all the IN2P3 laboratories 125 k€ per year Necessary in order to scale up the so called semi-permanent storage Crucial for the LHC analysis facility Big cartridge order (T10k and LTO4) to populate the SL8500 SUN/STK Library
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny9 Manpower 4 people have just been hired - Development - Project leader (grid) - Communication - Infrastructure We already know that we will have 4 more people to be hired in 2008 : All computing experts
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny10 Computer room upgrade The computer room upgrade is now over The computer room upgrade is now over 1.5 M€ invested 1.5 M€ invested –Electrical work –Air Conditioning –UPS The computer room is now able to provide 1 MW of electrical power usable for computing equipment The computer room is now able to provide 1 MW of electrical power usable for computing equipment
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny11 Computer room upgrade A Tier-1 is also a big cooling and power factory !
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny12 New building The financial situation is being clarified and we now have very good hope to get the budget for a new building The financial situation is being clarified and we now have very good hope to get the budget for a new building –Nevertheless the budget will only allow the construction of a new computer room –The office and meeting room space will be delayed The new computer room will be designed in such a way to decrease the environmental impact The new computer room will be designed in such a way to decrease the environmental impact
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny13 A new organization chart
November 28, 2007Dominique Boutigny14 Institut des Grilles (Grid Institute) CNRS has decided to create a Grid Institute in order to federate the efforts on Grid development within CNRS CNRS has decided to create a Grid Institute in order to federate the efforts on Grid development within CNRS –Production Grids –Research Grids The Grid Institute will play an important role in setting up the environment for the future French National Grid Initiative (NGI) The Grid Institute will play an important role in setting up the environment for the future French National Grid Initiative (NGI) European NGIs will be the basis for the European Grid Initiative European NGIs will be the basis for the European Grid Initiative