Ongoing IST Calls Joining Funded FP6 Projects Frequently Asked Questions Ongoing IST Calls Joining Funded FP6 Projects Frequently Asked Questions Sonia Spasova IST NCP Training SOFIA, 31 March 2006
IST Call 6 IST Call 6 opened on 22nd December 2005 and closes on 25 th April 2006 at 17h00 (Brussels time) IST Call 6 opened on 22nd December 2005 and closes on 25 th April 2006 at 17h00 (Brussels time) Main evaluation mid- May, Hearings mid-June, ESRs end- June Main evaluation mid- May, Hearings mid-June, ESRs end- June It covers 5 Strategic objectives and is funded at 140 M€ in total It covers 5 Strategic objectives and is funded at 140 M€ in total Each Strategic objective is open to only a limited range of “instruments” – IP, STREP, CA, SSA (no NoEs) Each Strategic objective is open to only a limited range of “instruments” – IP, STREP, CA, SSA (no NoEs) Submission using the Electronic Proposal Submission System Submission using the Electronic Proposal Submission System
IST Call 6 – Strategic objectives Advanced robotics STP,CA, SSA – 37M€ Ambient Assisted Living IP – 20M€: STP, CA, SSA – 20M€ Search engines for audio-visual content IP - 12 M€: STP, CA – 18M€ Accompanying actions supporting participation CA, SSA – 3M€ 2.6.5/1 Targeted research actions Int. Coop. on Digital TV: Latin America STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Int. Coop. on Digital TV: China STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Int. Coop. on Grid Technologies: China STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Int. Coop. for eGovernment: W. Balkans STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Early warning systems: Tsunami STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ 2.6.5/2 Coordination actions or Specific support actions: Strategic cooperationCA, SSA 5M€
IST Call 6 - Eligibility 1. Instrument restriction must be respected 2. Minimum consortium IP, STREP, CA proposals Two mutually-independent partners from EU or Candidate states (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey) Two mutually-independent partners from EU or Candidate states (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey) A third partner as above, or from an Associated state (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) A third partner as above, or from an Associated state (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) Further partners from any country Further partners from any country Third-country partners are funded if on the INCO target list 3. Minimum Consortium SSA proposals No restrictions; may even be one participant from any country No restrictions; may even be one participant from any country ! A one-partner SSA would be eligible. But would it be credible ? ! A one-partner SSA would be eligible. But would it be credible ?
Commission contact person for each objective Commission contact person for each objective link from call page A help desk for proposers´ questions A help desk for proposers´ questions tel A help desk for electronic submission problems A help desk for electronic submission problems tel: Partner search facilities Partner search facilities A network of National Contact Points A network of National Contact Points IST Call 6 – Help
2.6.1 Advanced robotics - Objectives Moving from specific industrial technology to a broad enabler of a wide range of products and services for the consumer, home & entertainment markets Moving from specific industrial technology to a broad enabler of a wide range of products and services for the consumer, home & entertainment markets Development of more intelligent, flexible, cost-effective, modular, safe, dependable, robust, user-driven robot systems Development of more intelligent, flexible, cost-effective, modular, safe, dependable, robust, user-driven robot systems massive introduction of robots in everyday human environments and their close co-operation with people extend the coupling of the world of information and communication with the world of physical interaction
Advanced robotics - f ocus Multidisciplinary Research with focus on one or several of the themes: –Flexible robot systems –Safe, robust and dependable robot systems operating in human environments and co-operating with people –Networked and co-operating robots –Advanced integrated modular robotics STREPS Some starting points: State-of-the-art in multi-modal knowledge acquisition, in reasoning and decision-making, evolution and learning, miniaturisation Prepare the emergence of a multidisciplinary research community in Europe: –Develop longer term visions and roadmaps –Address organisational, legal, ethical and socio-economic challenges –Standardisation activities for modular Robotics –Benchmarking –International co-operation Support Actions
2.6.2 ALL - ICT for an ageing society Support to Daily activities Support to Daily activities Increase independence and autonomy “at home” (Assistive technology, smart homes, warning systems, shopping facilities) Participation in society and mobility Participation in society and mobility –Communication, access to education, leisure,… Integrated Care Interoperability Integrated Care Interoperability –Healthcare –Social care –Informal care AssistedActiveIndependent
2.6.2 Proposal requirements –Respond to end-user needs –Significant end-user interaction & involvement in R&D process –Multidisciplinary projects teams –Involvement of relevant public authorities –Verification and testing of results –Lead to cost-effective user-friendly solutions –Holistic and Integrated solutions –Stimulate business innovation and involve major industrial partners, including SMEs –Clear Exploitation of outcomes Total indicative budget 40 M€ IPs: 50% STREPs, CAs, SSAs: 50%
2.6.3 Search Engines for Audio – Visual Content Objectives: To provide advanced solutions for organising, searching and accessing large-scale, distributed digital audio-visual content and objects. To provide advanced solutions for organising, searching and accessing large-scale, distributed digital audio-visual content and objects. –Support will be given to projects that significantly advance research capabilities and/or consolidate existing research work and identify future orientations in the field. –Proposed actions should have a federating effect on on-going work within relevant national initiatives for on-line access to digital content.
Search Engines for Audio – Visual Content Focus Technologies to support the process of representing and interpreting, navigating and retrieving audio-visual content and other types of digital objects. Technologies to support the process of representing and interpreting, navigating and retrieving audio-visual content and other types of digital objects. Methods and tools aimed at higher levels of information harvesting, including automated knowledge discovery and extraction, annotation and summarisation, indexing and retrieval of all types of digital content (text, image, video, audio, 3D graphical objects etc.), including protected content. Methods and tools aimed at higher levels of information harvesting, including automated knowledge discovery and extraction, annotation and summarisation, indexing and retrieval of all types of digital content (text, image, video, audio, 3D graphical objects etc.), including protected content. Systems for adaptive search by content and/or context to be tested in realistic everyday life settings, based on relevance feedback – including socially-derived relevance. This should encompass the integration and testing of search from a variety of sources based on mixed-media queries and the delivery of different media types on a variety of devices (including mobile terminals). Systems for adaptive search by content and/or context to be tested in realistic everyday life settings, based on relevance feedback – including socially-derived relevance. This should encompass the integration and testing of search from a variety of sources based on mixed-media queries and the delivery of different media types on a variety of devices (including mobile terminals).
2.6.4 Accompanying actions in support of participation in Community ICT Indicative budget: 3 M€ CAs, SSAs The objective is to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation in current and future Community ICT research. Bridge between the 6 and 7 FWP Special focus on newcomers and SMEs, NMS, ACC. Targeted also on INCO countries.
Strategic Objective 2.6.5: International Cooperation General objectives: To establish privileged partnerships with selected countries or regions; To contribute to the stability and prosperity of regions neighboring the EU To address global environmental issues To prepare for future, wider and more concrete partnerships with the target regions
Strategic Objective 2.6.5/1: Targeted research actions 2.6.5/1 International Cooperation on Digital TV Broadcasting & Interactive Applications Target region: Latin AmericaTarget region: Latin America Indicative budget: 5 M€Indicative budget: 5 M€ STREPs, SSAs, CAsSTREPs, SSAs, CAs 2.6.5/1 International Cooperation on Digital Broadcasting / Mobile Convergence Target country: ChinaTarget country: China Indicative budget: 5 M€€Indicative budget: 5 M€€ STREPs, SSAs, CAsSTREPs, SSAs, CAs
2.6.5/1 Grid Technologies – Target Country: China Target country: ChinaTarget country: China Indicative budget: 5 M€Indicative budget: 5 M€ STREPs, SSAs, CAsSTREPs, SSAs, CAs Complements the main Grid research activities in previous calls, now from an international co-operation perspective Addresses both research developments and business / industrial applications Proposals shall link existing initiatives in the EU and China To establish a long-term co-operation framework with the target country
2.6.5/1 I nternational Cooperation on Grid Technologies RESEARCH FOCUS 2.6.5/1 I nternational Cooperation on Grid Technologies RESEARCH FOCUS Application Pull Technology Push Grid Foundations Architecture, design and development of technologies and systems for the Grid Grid-enabled Applications & Services for business and society Promote global adoption of Grid environments and tools e-bus, e-health, e-goy, e-learning Environment, … International Cooperation on Grid Technologies Application Sector 3 Application Sector 2 Application Sector n Application Sector 1 IST Call 6 Indicative Budget 5M€
2.6.5/1 International cooperation for eGovernment and eParticipation Target countries: Western Balkans This call complements the on-going research in eGovernment and eDemocracy : Objectives: To address key issues across the region, such as: - improved public services, - institutional reinforcement, - decision making - democratic processes Public services of high impact may include: - eCustoms - eJustice - ePublic Procurement - eDemocracy - eParticipation Cooperation within the W. Balkan region as well as with the EU is supported
2.6.5/1 International cooperation for eGovernment and eParticipation – Target countries: Western Balkans Instruments: STREPs, SSAs, CAs Balanced partnerships among: W. Balkan and EU partners; ICT research organisations (industry, academia) and users (e.g. public administrations) W. Balkan and EU partners; ICT research organisations (industry, academia) and users (e.g. public administrations) Multidisciplinary research in STREPs: technological, organisational, institutional, legal, etc SSAs, CAs: well focused proposals with tangible results and benefits
2.6.5/1 Early warning systems for geo-physical hazards Target countries: Mediterranean partner countries, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri-Lanka, Japan, USA, Canada, New-Zealand. The aim is to develop, validate and demonstrate advanced systems and services to manage geo-physical risks, with a focus on developing an early warning and alert capacity for improved disaster prevention and preparedness in coastal zones. The objective is to establish operational prototypes for tsunami detection, early warning and alert relevant to the main tsunami-prone regions in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and Indian Ocean. Indicative budget 5 M€ Instruments: STREPs, SSAs and CAs
2.6.5/2 INCO – Strategic Cooperation Instruments: CA and SSA Indicative Budget: 5 M€ Identifying partner countries, common needs and opportunities for deeper strategic co-operation Each proposal expected to: Contribute to global strategy for future initiatives Contribute to global strategy for future initiatives Focus on well-identified region Focus on well-identified region Include partners from region addressed Include partners from region addressed Cover all technologies relevant to co-operation Cover all technologies relevant to co-operation Yield results within months Yield results within months Be based on local needs and/or opportunities best addressed jointly Be based on local needs and/or opportunities best addressed jointly Emphasis on emerging, developing, neighbourhood countries
IST 2006 Calls for Exibition, Networking and Workshop Proposals IST 2006 Strategies for Leadership - the most important European event in the field of IST IST 2006 Strategies for Leadership - the most important European event in the field of IST One overriding aim: help achieve Europe's innovative potential in developing and rolling out ICTs One overriding aim: help achieve Europe's innovative potential in developing and rolling out ICTs Includes a high-level conference, an exhibition of cutting edge research results from across Europe and a programme of networking sessions and workshops Includes a high-level conference, an exhibition of cutting edge research results from across Europe and a programme of networking sessions and workshops
CONFERENCE EXHIBITIONNETWORKING & WORKSHOPS Top down organisation Bottom up organisation Participation determined by the European Commission Participation determined by calls for proposals – now open CALLS OPEN: 14 March 2006 Event Participants
Open Call for Exhibits The deadline for submission of exhibits is 21 April 2006 The deadline for submission of exhibits is 21 April 2006 All applicants will be notified of the selection at the beginning of June All applicants will be notified of the selection at the beginning of June Research and technology projects with high-tech prototype demonstrators - the selection will be done by the European Commission - will be assessed on the basis of selection criteria Research and technology projects with high-tech prototype demonstrators - the selection will be done by the European Commission - will be assessed on the basis of selection criteria Information stands about IST-related activities (without technology prototypes) - will be selected according to their relevance to the IST programme Information stands about IST-related activities (without technology prototypes) - will be selected according to their relevance to the IST programme
Open Call for Networking Sessions and Workshops Deadline for submission of proposals: Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 June 2006 NS and WS bring together people interested in a specific topic to discuss project ideas, research activities or partnerships. They are less formal discussion groups than the official conference sessions, encouraging active participation and lateral thinking. NS and WS bring together people interested in a specific topic to discuss project ideas, research activities or partnerships. They are less formal discussion groups than the official conference sessions, encouraging active participation and lateral thinking. Their topic, format and content are therefore proposed and defined by the stakeholders - the people organising and attending the session itself - and they are open to everybody who wishes to attend. Their topic, format and content are therefore proposed and defined by the stakeholders - the people organising and attending the session itself - and they are open to everybody who wishes to attend. A WS provides a forum for exchange of knowledge on technical subjects and for learning, is oriented toward the state-of-the-art and aims at consolidation. A WS provides a forum for exchange of knowledge on technical subjects and for learning, is oriented toward the state-of-the-art and aims at consolidation. A NS aims at bringing together new constituencies, that are preferably not already working together, in view of submitting proposals or taking other actions in the context of FP7. A NS aims at bringing together new constituencies, that are preferably not already working together, in view of submitting proposals or taking other actions in the context of FP7.
Joining a project- Competitive Calls Published on CORDIS, with a link to the website of the project, where all the necessary documentation and background information is published (requested tasks, duration, funding, evaluation criteria, submission mechanism) Open Competitive Call: Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS) Open Competitive Call: Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS) Addressed to organizations interested in developing real solutions by exploiting AXMEDIS technologies (additional demonstrators) Submission mechanism: is paper only Deadline: 19/04/2006; 17h00 Florence time
FAQs about Network of Excellence (1/3) In what way does a NoE differ from the Thematic Network funded in the 5FP or CA? In what way does a NoE differ from the Thematic Network funded in the 5FP or CA? TN or CA funded the coordination of the activities of specific research and development projects for a particular purpose over a pre-determined period of time. NoE is intended to fund the restructuring of a whole research sector, so that the sector works more efficiently, shares resources and eliminates duplication of activities, and it is intended it should do this on a permanent basis
FAQs about Network of Excellence (2/3) What does an NoE actually do ? What does an NoE actually do ? Coordinates and integrates the activities of the members of the network, arranging for the sharing of resources between them and the cutting out of duplication. Carries out: - specific research and development tasks defined in the Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) which it included in its proposal - activities to spread excellence, for example training of researchers and other key staff, and dissemination and technology transfer to industry - activities to spread excellence, for example training of researchers and other key staff, and dissemination and technology transfer to industry
FAQs about Network of Excellence (3/3) Is the project funding increased if a new partner joins ? No automatic increase in funding to cover new partners. Is the project funding increased if a new partner joins ? No automatic increase in funding to cover new partners. If there is no extra money, why should we want to expand the network ? One of the main goals of an NoE is to spread excellence throughout its research sector; incorporating new partners is the most obvious way to do this. Also organisations sometimes find that they have overestimated the amount of funding they can really invest in integration activities, so joining the consortia may allow you to exploit the available grant. If there is no extra money, why should we want to expand the network ? One of the main goals of an NoE is to spread excellence throughout its research sector; incorporating new partners is the most obvious way to do this. Also organisations sometimes find that they have overestimated the amount of funding they can really invest in integration activities, so joining the consortia may allow you to exploit the available grant.
Thank you for your attention! Sonia Spasova State Expert State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications 6 Gourko Street 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Phone: Fax: