Data Provenance Update Dawn Wilkins Associate Professor University of Mississippi
PARS Provenance, Archive and Retrieval System Uses Archive important data in case of data loss on your system Safely and easily share data with collaborators Disseminate research products to the public Document projects to enhance the reproducibility of the work Data stored at Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research (MCSR), multi-TB Available at:
PARS Basics – Signing up Choose username (unique system-wide) Provide address (currently must be a to auto sign-up) Set initial password Link will be sent to address provided, must confirm by clicking
PARS Basics - Projects Any user can create a project Project is primary organizational unit A user can have many projects Projects are named, no spaces or special characters Projects can be public or private Projects can contain folders and files Hierarchy of folders is allowed
PARS Basics – Public Projects Can be read/downloaded by anyone -- guest or PARS user Best way to disseminate research products to public User’s public projects: username Project URL: username / project
Example Public Project Page
PARS Basics – Private Projects Only owner and explicitly specified collaborators have access to project All collaborators can access the project, including adding folders/files, metadata, deleting files/folders/metadata. Only the owner can remove the project or add collaborators. Files can be restored to any previous version. Deleted folders are recoverable only until a new folder with the same name is created.
PARS Basics – User Page
PARS Basics – Project Creation
Project Settings
PARS Basics – Collaborators
File Upload and Operations Any file type of data can be uploaded (.zip,.doc,.png,.xls, …) Upload uses standard browser file chooser Can upload multiple files at a time
PARS Basics - Metadata Files and Folders can have associated metadata Metadata is in the form of key/value pairs Keys are chosen by user; values can be any data type For example KeyValue Number of Samples10341 Lab techCarole Run date12/01/11
Suggestions/Feedback Suggestions Need convenient way to lookup collaborator usernames Allow metadata for projects Need procedure for deleting/deactivating users Need Appropriate Use Policy Bulk file operations Metadata keyword groups Searchable metadata
Acknowledgements Michael Macias Dr. Zhendong Zhou Chad Vicknair Dr. Yixin Chen Alpha testers!