SCHOOLS New Governors Finance Training- February 2014 By Christine Atkinson (Schools Management Accountant)
Topics Very brief over view Pupil numbers and knowing the impact changes have on funding Schools budget plan Accountability Role Funding / attainment Pupil premium Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) Training available Best Outcomes for our Pupils
Pupil numbers The majority of funding is based on pupil numbers from the October school census prior to the start of the financial year (April- March). 3 and 4 year olds funding based on participation up to 15 hours per week. An awareness of future pupil number predictions and how this will affect funding is essential in order to plan resources for the future always review staffing if someone leaves, not necessary to replace like with like and consider a temporary appointment if pupil numbers are dropping.
Schools budget plan Use the web based budget plan - Orovia Covers every element of school spend. ie staffing, premises, equipment and materials, income and funding. Very detailed with every item of income and expenditure a school will incur. Must link in to School Improvement Plan/ ICT replacement Governing Body are responsible for approving the budget plan Balances will be carried forward Essential to monitor budget throughout the year
Accountability role The head teacher and professional staff are accountable to the Governing Body for the schools performance. The GB must be prepared to explain its decisions and actions. GB part of leadership and management of the school. Self evaluation School improvement plan Outcomes of OFSTED inspections Monitor and analyse performance data Take account of needs of vulnerable pupils and their outcomes/ challenge gifted and talented
Accountability (cont) Monitor the effectiveness of the deployment of resources to achieve best value and outcomes for pupils Understand and implement the school’s statutory duties and ensure compliance Understand the schools strengths and weaknesses
Funding / attainment Best use of resources to gain the best outcomes for pupils. (small group working/ learning aids/staff training etc) Target funding to pupils under achieving as identified on assessment data. ie fischer family trust (fft), Raise online etc. Be aware of funding within your budget based on attainment data, deprivation data and Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Pupil Premium-history Introduced in Based on pupils on free school meals (FSM) £488 in per pupil eligible for a FSM change from number recorded on Jan 11 census, to EVER6 Schools to report to parents on the use of this funding to raise attainment- must be on school website, including use and impact (very important) (also PE & sports grant)
Pupil Premium Primary schools £953pp and £1,300pp Secondary schools £900pp and £935pp Total distributed £1.875bn across country in , rising to £2.5bn in Some schools with large number of eligible pupils will receive a large amount of funding - must consider carefully best use (primary up to £214k, secondary up to £315k)
School Funding Reform (from ) DfE introduced changes Current 37 factors reduced to 13 allowable factors by DfE Out of the 13, 4 drive the majority of funding. 1) Per pupil amount ( KS1&2 =£2,685.73, KS3= £ , KS4 = £4, in ) 2) Deprivation (FSM6 and IDACI) 3) Low cost, high incidence SEN (attainment data) 4) Lump sum £130,000 for all schools (increasing to £175,000 for secondary only from (143 schools incl 8 academies. 23,743 primary and 18,433 secondary pupils) and 4 nursery schools and 3 special schools
Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) Government requirement 23 questions to answer – self evaluation Most evidence found in GB minutes Completed annually- no later than 31 March, - submit to the Audit Section at County Hall Forms on Example – does GB:- have adequate financial skills, receive monitoring reports, review staffing structure, aware of business interests, budget plan for at least 3 years, set a balanced budget, bench mark against other schools, consider collaboration, up to date asset register and adequate insurance, whistle blowing policy……
Finance Training for Governors Recommend a finance governor sits in on the budget plan visits. (twice a year) Training given to individual school governing bodies -1.5 hours – cost £180. Ad hoc training sessions are organised when major funding changes occur. (Head, finance officer and a governor invited).