1 School Improvement in changing times Gordon Boyd March 2013
2 Who’s in charge around here? Governors Parents Diocese LA Sponsors Headteachers
4 The new education landscape Schools are autonomous and responsible for their own self-improvement Funding follows the learner LA is champion of children, families and communities School improvement provided by schools, teaching schools and a range of other service providers (inc NIEAS and Services to Schools) New relationships: such as clusters, teaching schools, HT Partnerships, Federations, Academies
Academy groups Teaching Schools Federations Clusters HT Partnerships Diocese Schools Settings Colleges Providers New Relationships Higher achievement by children & young people Headteacher and Principal Associations Shaping the landscape, collaboratively Convener of Partnerships NCC: the LA Governor groups inc NGN Academy Trusts and Sponsors Headteacher and Principal Associations Economy Employers Skills Higher Education Transition Society
6 Into Partnership School organisation in our rural county and the small schools issue The role of the Diocese: building community Changing relationships: schools, LA and sponsors
7 Into Partnership Headteacher associations: NASSH, NASH and the reformation of SNAPP Norfolk Governors Network Academy sponsors: Ormiston, ATT, TEN, CWA, ENAT …. AET and CfBT? Schools sponsoring schools
8 Implication of delegation of funding School has funds to commission services Schools need to work together to pool funding Where intervention is required for a school causing concern, funding needs to come from individual school
9 A Good School for All Norfolk Learners?
10 Context Steady Norfolk improvement …. but slower than national 2012 Ofsted: ‘A Good Education for All’ Delegated funding and management and LA intervention powers Pupil Premium, Data Dashboards Enterprising Norfolk, link with economy
11 Context HMCI report: ‘Good or better’ - Norfolk Primary 60% (National 69%) Norfolk Secondary 47% (National 66%) LA area Inspection Cabinet pressure for improvement February 2013: Primary 63% and Secondary 55%
12 Confident 1 1 and Confident 2 LA 4 Ofsted 4 Stuck 3 Improving 3 Schools Causing Concern ‘The Norfolk Challenge’ System Leaders FBC A ED In Transition 1,2,3
13 ‘Towards Excellence in Norfolk Schools’ Standards monitored in all schools, based on annual conversation Intervention for ‘schools causing concern’ through Intervention Adviser School improvement services commissioned by school Structural and improvement partnerships brokered by LA
14 ‘Norfolk to Good and Great’ Peer challenge by good and outstanding schools in and beyond Norfolk Support and challenge for leadership of school improvement including by HMI, HEI and high performing LA Targeted CPD by Teaching Schools Alliances and NLE/LLE HE partner role as well as National college Sustainable improvement partnerships Sustainable structural partnerships Enterprising Norfolk, better skills and more aspirational families Strong relationship management with NCC: annual challenge conversation and signposting to services £1M Funding subsidises costs for RI schools Consultant Headteachers leading supported by two Senior Advisers
15 Building relations between all schools Intervention Adviser is key contact for a ‘school causing concern’ Annual Norfolk Conversation part of cluster relationship management with all non-SCC Education Improvement focus for all NCC services plus back office support to customise package of Services for School
16 Building bridges = Children and Young People First