1 Briefing for Schools and Education Department Lisa Bibby Director Schools and Education 16/ 19 November 2012
Our reason to be here… 2
Thank You 3
Purpose To explain drivers and context for change To share information about recent funding decisions and developments To help you understand the next steps To help you plan and prepare for change 4
Agenda Structures and Responsibilities Priorities Education Reform Programme update Council Budget implications New Ways of Working Next Steps 5
Structure and Responsibilities 6
Elected Member Responsibilities Councillor Maureen Bateson, the Executive Member for Children’s Services in BwD, will have Lead Member for Children’s Services responsibilities as outlined in statute. However, the following responsibilities are allocated to Councillor Tony Humphrys, the Executive Member for Schools and Education: Services to schools and other providers Relationships with education providers SEN (not complex needs 0 – 25) School Place Planning and Organisation Education Welfare Participation post-16 Regulatory Services incl. admissions and exclusions School Improvement Governor Services BSF Connexions Schools Forum Business 7
Leadership Responsibilities Linda Clegg, as Director of Children’s Services, is the nominated Chief Officer with the responsibilities of the Director of Children’s Services statutory role. However, those responsibilities related to Schools and Education are allocated to Lisa Bibby, Director Schools and Education Lisa Bibby, as Director Schools and Education, is responsible for all Schools and Education Portfolio Services and is responsible for the Council’s relationships with education providers 9
Priorities… 12
Council Corporate Plan 2012 – 2015 Priorities 1.Creating more jobs and supporting business growth 2.Improving housing quality and building more houses 3.Improving health and well-being 4.Improving outcomes for our young people – education and skills 5.Supporting and helping the most vulnerable people 13
We will deliver these priorities by… 6.Making your money go further 7.Managing the impact of national reforms on residents and the council 8.Working with you – working together with residents, businesses and our partners 9.Delivering high quality services 14
Corporate Plan 2012 – 2015 Schools and Education Priorities 1.To develop an effective business model with new and improved services for trading with the wider education sector 2.To implement the new schools funding reforms, including the assessment of the impact of the new funding formula 3.To work with schools and other stakeholders to review and develop a fit for purpose special educational needs strategy 15
Corporate Plan 2012 – 2015 Schools and Education Priorities 4.To review and redefine the role of the Local Authority in ensuring education excellence for all, through strong partnerships and a shared vision 5.To review, develop and agree with learning providers a revised education improvement strategy for learners
Education Reform Programme Update 17
Education Reform The education landscape is changing rapidly: Education Act 2011 Education Funding Reform (implement April 2013) SEN Green Paper Wider government reforms (e.g. local government resource review, welfare reforms, NHS reforms) Further budget cuts for the council There will be structural, financial, governance and relationship implications for schools and the council 18
Education Act 2011 Diversity of provision Stricter OfSTED regime Focus on role of LA to develop a co-ordinated approach to support the most vulnerable children and young people LA responsible for strategic oversight of school improvement Schools can access support for school improvement from other schools and providers 19
Funding decisions and developments Government funding direct to schools through the Dedicated Schools Grant has not yet decreased and Pupil Premium Funding will increase School funding which is centrally retained by the LA has reduced following decisions by School Forum in October 2012 As a result, schools have more spending power 20
Progress Update 21 Education Funding Reform – preparing for the proposed changes to schools funding April Agreed new schools funding formula (least turbulence model) -Negotiated and agreed Schools Block and EY centrally retained elements -Schools no longer wish to retain funding centrally for some services including: School Library Service, SEMA (secondary), SDS -Agreed with schools to defer decisions re: High Needs Block until outcome of Vulnerable Learners Review due December 2012
22 Education Excellence / School Improvement -Implemented new communications, consultation and engagement arrangements with 70+ schools -Secured 1 year commitment to partnership funding for School Improvement Service subject to co-design -Extended partnership arrangements to include new education providers e.g. Free schools Progress Update
23 Traded Services -Reviewed current services provided to schools and identified our statutory, business critical and enhanced service responsibilities -Undertaken face to face customer satisfaction survey re: all Council services with 70% of schools -Secured additional commercial expertise and capacity -Undertaken workshops with managers from across the Council to develop capacity and understanding Progress Update
What factors would influence your decision to purchase services from the LA? Feedback from Schools 24
School survey - June 12 25
26 Vulnerable Learners 0 – 25 -Appointed consultants -Established Expert Groups -Implemented initial report findings including separation of Complex Needs 0 – 25 from Vulnerable Learners commission (SEN) -Draft Report with recommendations received 5 Nov, currently consulting with schools and officers Progress Update
Council Budget Implications… 27
Council Budget The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement is expected to be delivered on 5th December 2012 Local government finance settlement will be issued sometime in mid-December. Budget reports, including any savings targets, will be considered by Council in January 2013 Finance Council will meet on 4th March to agree the balanced revenue budget and capital programme for 2013/14 and the medium term financial strategy. All Departments have to model budget reductions for implementation FYE 2013/
New Ways of Working… 29
Service Reforms 30
New Ways of Working For example: Partnership funding Joint commissioning Co-design of services Trading services through a ‘gateway’ 31
Common Principles for Schools and Education Service Reforms Transparent process All managers will be involved All staff will have the opportunity to contribute to their service reform Peer review, support and challenge Dedicated managers to support the process School (customer) participation and co-design where possible Regular communications Prioritised and managed process Training and support 32
Service Reform Research Team: -Service Manager -Reps from the service -Administrator -Policy rep -Other dept reps if required -At least 1 Critical Friend (Service Manager/ Service Leader) from another service area Responsible for Background Report and evidence / data gathering Service Reform Team: -Named SLT Lead -Service Manager -Administrator -Finance rep -HR rep -Critical Friend from another service area -School reps if appropriate Responsible for Reviewing the Background Report, Option Appraisal, Implementation Plan and wider communication, consultation and engagement Communication, Consultation, Engagement: -With all members of the team who provide the service -With other related services -With schools/ service users Who will be involved? Schools and Education SLT: Responsible for Decision Making 33
Next steps for Service Reforms Secure corporate agreement for approach For each service reform area agree: – scope of service – Membership of Service Reform Research Team – Membership of Service Reform Team – Timescales for reform process Resolve issues Plan and deliver change management strategy and support Communicate, consult, engage! 34
Priority Actions: November – March Working with schools to define the requirements for partnership funded services Creating a traded services model to start for some services from April 2013 Ongoing work on vulnerable learners issues and on high needs funding to inform future service requirements – decisions at School Forum Jan
Priority Actions: November – March Undertaking service reforms to ensure we deliver our statutory functions and deliver new ways of working within funding available from the council and schools Improving internal and external communications, consultation and engagement 36
Duke Street: Summer 2013 Accommodation… 37
Purpose To explain drivers and context for change To share information about recent funding decisions and developments To help you understand the next steps To help you plan and prepare for change 38