Early Years Network Event 10 th November 2015. Welcome and introductions Fire drill Toilets Coffee/tea/water Mobile phones Start and end times Housekeeping.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Years Network Event 10 th November 2015

Welcome and introductions Fire drill Toilets Coffee/tea/water Mobile phones Start and end times Housekeeping

Provide key updates and information Opportunity to share ideas and network Aims

You said….. Could the network be held in other settings Could visits be arranged to other settings Lots of info……brill Loved talking to other providers

What is Online Funding? Providers logon to the online provider portal to submit the interim estimate and final payments. Where is it up to? The system has been robustly and successfully tested during the Autumn Term headcount. Still on track to ‘GO LIVE’ on the 1 st January Online funding

Current funding process New funding process All providers submit their interim headcount form by a set date and the funding team process a 50% payment. Providers will have 1 week to submit their interim headcount online and the funding team will process a 50% payment. All providers submit their parental declarations by a set date and the funding team input them all onto the system and process a balancing payment based on the interim headcount. Providers will have 2 weeks to submit their parental declarations online. Once the 2 week window has closed the funding team will carry out the relevant checks and process a balancing payment based on the interim headcount. Providers must still post a copy of the final headcount form to the funding team so we can check that the correct amount of children have been submitted before we process the payment. Providers will have 2 weeks to submit their parental declarations online. Once the 2 week window has closed the funding team will carry out the relevant checks and process a balancing payment based on the interim headcount. Providers must still post a copy of the final headcount form to the funding team so we can check that the correct amount of children have been submitted before we process the payment. Final statements and a list of children who have received EYPP funding is sent out.. Providers will check their final statement online. The funding team will send out a list of children who have received EYPP funding. Adjustments are submitted to the funding team and processed in the next terms’ interim payment. Adjustments will still need to be submitted to the funding team as providers will not be able to add children once the headcount window is closed. The funding team will process the form and it will be paid in the next terms’ interim payment.

Online provider portal training DateTimeVenue Tuesday 1 st December pm – 8.00pm Witton Park City Learning Centre Buncer Lane Blackburn BB2 6TD Wednesday 2 nd December am – 10.30am 11.00am – 1.00pm 1.30pm – 3.30pm Wednesday 9 th December pm – 8.00pm Thursday 10 th December am – 10.30am 11.00am – 1.00pm 1.30pm – 3.30pm 1 delegate from each provider only – this should be the person who will be mainly using the online system or the manager It will be on a first come first serve basis using a booking form which must be submitted by - deadline for returns is Monday 23 rd November Confirmation of your booking will be sent by within 3 working days of receiving your booking form.


SEND Support Service Early Years (Special Educational Needs and Disability Support Service – Early Years) Early Years Network 10 th November 2015 Shadsworth Childrens Centre

Who are we? (staffing structure) 7 advisory teachers 21 fte special support assistants 3 Portage Home Visitors All line managed by EY Manager

What do we do? (The role of the Early Years team) Advice Support Training

Working in forum areas: Sarah McEwen & Jen Gardiner Rosemary Brunt & Glenys Whitaker (till Christmas) Gillian Tattersall & Helen Mohatta Magdalena Abbotts & Jen Gardiner Darwen Little Harwood Livesey Shadsworth & Audley

Early Support Multi-Agency Forum Assisted Nursery Places Requests for Involvement Child Development Service groups SEND training

Early Years providers are required to: Follow the standards set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, which includes supporting children with SEND Assess children who may require SEN support in the early years Work in partnership with parents/carers to develop a plan of support Admit a child, where the maintained nursery is named in their EHC plan Co-operate with the local authority in developing the local offer Have a member of staff to act as Special Educational Needs Co- Ordinator Have regard to the new 0-25 SEND Code of Practice Health colleagues such as health visitors are required to inform the Local Authority of children who they think have SEN or disabilities – in Blackburn with Darwen this will be via the Early Support Multi Agency Forum.

Assess, Plan, Do, Review Concerns re: learning, development and progress Further observation/assessment/information gathering Meet with Parents to discuss observations SEN Support Plan formulated and implemented SEN Support Plan and progress made reviewed with parents Adequate progress made? Continue to monitor through usual classroom policies Little or no progress made?

SEN Support Plan formulated and implemented Request outside agency input SEN resources - Does support equate to £6,000? Are further resources needed to meet need? No Yes Stay at SEN Support Submission to EHCP panel

How to request team involvement Phone EY Manager Kathleen Brooks

Where can I find out more? 18 Council for Disabled Children Download the new SEND Code of Practice 0-to to-25 Download the Council for Disabled Children’s (CDC’s) resources: For regular updates, sign up to receive CDC’s e-bulletin by ing Access information from the Government’s strategic partner for early years and childcare Everybody Included – The SEND Code of Practice explained For more on Reasonable Adjustments

Safeguarding Updates Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings The Prevent duty Hot topics

Lithium Batteries

Button batteries are deadly, and the risk escalates in the lead up to Christmas when flashing toys and musical Santa hats, Christmas cards and decorations flood the market. If swallowed by a child, the electrical charge from a button battery creates caustic soda inside the body. This can burn a hole through the throat and major blood vessels and children can bleed to death.

Ofsted Alerts Guidance: Ofsted provider portal: guidance for providersGuidance: Ofsted provider portal: guidance for providers Form: Inspecting early years providers: online self evaluation formForm: Inspecting early years providers: online self evaluation form

Roadmap to 30 hours free childcare

LAC/PEP Every child who receives Pupil Premium and is a looked after child / Children in our care will require a Personal Education Plan.

Early Years Expert Group Early Help and CAF Steering Group Children’s Centre Advisory Board Early Years Expert Group Early Years Network Meetings All EYFS Providers Children’s Centres

2 Year integrated check Parent /Carer poster Development Check Agreement

Training Needs Analysis has been sent out Return Date – Friday 13 th November Training to be organised for January – March 2016 Only those who return will be able to access training Training

Useful Websites/Contacts MASH – LADO ( OFSTED )

And so….. Thank you for coming Any questions??? Opportunity to visit market stalls Tour of centre Date of next meeting - February 2016 Evaluations /certificate of attendance