7 th Grade Social Studies
Navigation Acts ( ) All goods can only be shipped using English ships Tobacco, sugar, rice and furs can only be sold to England Non-England goods were taxed by England (duty) before shipped to colonies
French & Indian War (started in 1754) England needed funds for the war so colonists must: Pay for new land acquired Pay higher taxation laws More money strengthened England’s control
Writs of Assistance (1761) England had the right to search any ship, home or warehouse for smuggled goods. Cargo could be confiscated by the British Trading was made more difficult for colonists Considered it an act of tyranny (violated rights)
Proclamation Act of 1763 England ordered white settlers to move east of the Appalachian Mountains to pacify the Indians New settlements west of the mountains forbidden Prevented trade for colonists Frontiersmen ignored the law and went west anyway Stopped expansion of colonies…
Sugar Act (1764) England taxed heavily all sugar and molasses from non-British sources. Writs of Assistance used to confiscate non-British goods Forced colonists to buy English sugar – less expensive Colonists still smuggled goods
Quartering Act (1765) Colonists must provide living quarters and supplies to British troops. Troops protected the frontier from “Indians.” Colonists started taunting the British soldiers Threw rocks Boston Massacre in 1770 – Five colonists died
Stamp Act (1765) Imposed stamps (taxes) on all printed material (legal documents, newspapers, and playing cards). Colonial resistance: no taxation without representation Sons of Liberty: group that fought to force stamps agents to resign Act was repealed in st display of colonist’s strength and unity!
The Townshend Acts (1767) Imposed duties (taxes) on popular goods: Glass, Paint, & Lead Paper Tea Massachusetts legislature wrote articles against the British British took control of government powers
Tea Act (1773) Taxed all non-British tea shipped to colonies East India Tea Company monopolized (had the most control) tea sales Boston villagers rebelled! Boston Tea Party Dressed like Indians Gathered on British ship & dumped tea overboard Colonists refused to pay for the dumped tea. British shut down Boston Seaport
Intolerable Acts (1774) Imposed after the Boston Tea Party Series of acts against colonists to force them to abide by the King’s Laws Boston Port Act: Closed Boston ports until repaid Mass. Gov’t Act: altered the gov’t to give back control Justice Act: governor could move trials Led to the formation of the First Continental Congress
First Continental Congress (1774) Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Declaration of Rights is written Letter to King Wanted legislatures to have the right to tax Wanted colonies to have the right not to trade with Britain or use English goods
Second Continental Congress (1775) Provided for the defense of colonies: Continental Army George Washington named Commander in Chief
Declaration of Independence (1776) Colonies declared independence from British rule Beginning of Revolutionary War
TYPE OF GOVERNMENT WHERE DOES THE NAME COME FROM? RULED BY: EXAMPLE COUNTRIES REPUBLIC “Res Publica” is Latin – Means “Thing of the People” Representatives elected by the people. Ancient Rome, United States DEMOCRACY OLIGARCHY DICTATORSHIP MONARCHY ANARCHY