AN INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY By: David Rude, MA, CPC ITT Technical Institute, Rancho Cordova
Area One Social psychology is a branch of psychology which examines the impact of social influences on human behavior.
Social Context How does our appearance impact how people respond to us? DISCUSSION
Gender Stereotypes in our CultureStereotype Cultural & Gender Stereotypes are beliefs about the sexes conveyed by media, religion, art, & literature People may know the cultural stereotype without adopting it
My experiences in psychology Director of Counseling Marriage and Family Counselor Addiction Counselor Life & Leadership Coach & Consultant with offices in Folsom and Ireland Writer and Motivational Speaker
My experiences in teaching Loyola Marymount University, Instructor of American Sign Language Instituto Marymount, Cuernavaca, Mexico Jesuit High School, Sacramento Principal, Silver Fork School, Kyburz Instructor of Psychology and Anthropology, Lake Tahoe Community College
My experiences in teaching Instructor of Teacher Preparation at National University Instructor of Psychology and Human Development (nursing program) at Salt Lake City and Folsom Lake Community Colleges
What will help you earn an A Attend class Arrive ON TIME. Leave at the time the instructor ends class Don’t distract others Don’t use your phone Communicate with your instructor Read (again) the syllabus and KNOW and UNDERSTAND the class and college rules Do well on tests Do well on homework
Doing well in Social Psychology Ask for help and wait for my response…if you do NOT get a response then I most likely didn’t get your Text or call DON’T just sit there! DON’T just sit there! If you get stuck
What Psychologists Think About