TIME MACHINE WEBQUEST Neale Carder 7 December 2014 National University – MAT 675 This WebQuest was designed by me with the intent of using the idea of a time machine to transport students to important times in history and present a scenario to engage students in finding information about the past. I got the idea from watching a movie. In my opinion, it is used in movies too many times. I thought of the time machine because the content can be changed and adapted for any subject area, historical time, or place. In this case, I used the content for learning about American Indian nations in their local region in the past. The tasks are designed to be more hands-on and collaborative, while still involving some individual elements within. The time machine concept could be tailored to add writing tasks, geometry for Native American design, or physical education and performing arts, or just about any content.
Your team was playing with the time machine in the science lab, and your team was sent back in time to the 1800’s. You are now living with a Native American tribe. They accept you in their tribe, and welcome you to stay.
3rd Grade Social Science/History (CCSS, 1998) 3.1 Students describe the physical and human geography and use maps, tables, graphs, photographs, and charts to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context. Identify geographical features in their local region (e.g., deserts, mountains, valleys, hills, coastal areas, oceans, lakes). 3.2 Students describe the American Indian nations in their local region long ago and in the recent past Describe national identities, religious beliefs, customs, and various folklore traditions Discuss the ways in which physical geography, including climate, influenced how the local Indian nations adapted to their natural environment (e.g., how they obtained food, clothing, tools). Reference:California Department of Education. (1998). History–Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education
Until someone can get you back, your team must learn how to live among your new tribe. Your team must gather information and experiences on the culture, economy, and daily life. You will complete tasks that they need you to do, and help them make items. When you return you will explain what you learned, how you survived, and answer questions for your classmates that were stuck back in the present time. You will share with them some items and experiences from your time travel that you brought back. Questions that your team needs to answer: What food did they cook, and how did they get their food? What did their clothes look like, and what did they use? Where did they live, and what were their homes made of? How did they make them? What type of materials did they have? What other things did they make? What kind of games or things did they do for fun or entertainment? What tribal name did they give you?
Gather artifacts, clothing, food, or any items that can tell us about their culture. Find information about your tribe’s society, economy, and geography. When you travel back in the time machine, you will have your resources to collect data. You must learn and gather data so you can to return and provide us with information about the history of Native American life. You will learn how they lived. Your team will return to tell the class all about your experience, and the class will ask questions for the team to answer. Team Bonus for performing a tribal dance or song and explaining its meaning.
We will pull a lever on our time machine (simulated) and the tribe that it stops on will be the tribe for your team’s learning experience. The team will use a Data Sheet to write important information and to help organize the data. Information should be entered into the proper category to keep data organized. Make sure to answer the questions. Individual bonus for interviewing someone to answer a question with personal experience or stories. 1 2
Each student is given a personal name as a tribe member. Use collaboration, brainstorming, and the resources to come up with your name, similar to what you have found in their resources; i.e., Sitting Bull. The team as a group will choose and create an artifact, tool, or item that was used by their tribe. It can be an article of clothing from any cloth or the large roll of brown paper. It can be a tool for hunting, building, or cooking. It can also be a toy, game, or any other item the tribe would find useful. 3 4
Each student will create a work of art similar to what tribe members would have made. Using your learning and information, the team will collaborate to select 2 questions you feel are important to ask the other teams. 6 5
The team returns to our present time. The team shows one item or artifact they created, and they will share their experience with the class. Team Bonus for performing a tribal dance or song and explaining its meaning. Each member of the team must present their tribal name given and show their artwork
The class is very interested in what you bring back and to answer their questions. Use the answers you wrote on your Data Sheet to answer the questions that classmates will ask your team. - Each member must answer at least one questions asked from classmates. - Other teams will ask one question to the team that is presenting. 10 QUESTIONS from Data Sheet: What food did they cook, and how did they get their food? What did their clothes look like, and what did they use? Where did they live, and what were their homes made of? How did they make them? What type of materials did they have? What other things did they make? What kind of games or things did they do for fun or entertainment? What tribal name did they give you?
Apache ( Facts.shtml) Apache Cherokee ( Cherokee Delaware ( Hopi ( Facts/Hopi-Indians-Facts.shtml) Delaware Hopi Iroquois: Iroquois 1 - Click here ( 1 - Click here Iroquois 2 - Click here ( 2 - Click here Navajo ( Navajo Shawnee ( Shawnee General information about Native American tribes: Homes & Shelters: Native Languages of the Americas: Art & Life: Dance: Native Americans information: Native Americans of the Plains: Northeast Native Americans: These websites will help you find information & answers some questions.
Your work will be evaluated based on the following rubric. LEARNING AREAS AMAZINGGOODAVERAGEBASIC TEAM Information presented in organized method and detailed. All team tasks completed. Team formed question to ask other team. All members involved. BONUS AWARD ** Time for Learning Center Choice or BrainPop YES NO INDIVIDUAL Completed Data Sheet Stayed on task, cooperated with team, offered input and provided input. Completed individual tasks. BONUS AWARD * Independent Learning Center Time / BrainPop YES NO ** Team Bonus is awarded for the team performing a tribal dance or song and explaining its meaning. * Individual bonus is awarded for interviewing someone to share experiences or stories from their heritage of that tribe.
We are glad the time machine was fixed, and you got back to your present time. You were able to experience life of Native Americans and share it with each other. You have learned about food production and consumption long ago compared to today, including the roles and use of resources. You have learned how resources may be limited and the affect for products and use. Now we can discuss some similarities and differences of the tribes and compare some of the things we learned to our lives today. We can discuss what were the tribes toughest challenges, what did they enjoy and made them happy, and how they celebrated.