13 COLONIES MAP Must be done in color pencil and ink Anything else and you will lose points Identify is another word for label New England colonies = red Middle colonies = yellow Southern colonies = blue Use your textbook-Chapter 2 Plymouth is just below Boston
THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR British/American colonists are moving west, into French land Tension between the Brits and French create WAR! Many Native Americans join up with the French British win! Troops stay in the colonies
NEW LAWS Proclamation Line of 1763 Colonists could not move past the line to prevent fighting with the Native Americans Colonists were upset
NEW TAXES French and Indian War cost A LOT of money Britain was in debt So the king thought this…”If the colonists moved west and caused the tension AND profited by the British military they should help pay for it” Colonists were upset
NEW TAXES Stamp Act-1765 Colonists had to buy stamps to put on ANYTHING that is printed Newspapers Playing Cards Legal Documents Colonists boycott Parliament repeals Colonists said that only their elected representatives had the right to tax them For 100 years, the colonists taxed themselves, now Britain is taxing them
DECLARATORY ACT 1776 Parliament has the right to tax the colonies and make decisions over the colonies
TOWNSHEND ACTS 1767 Duties (taxes) on many goods imported from overseas General search warrants allowed Colonists held boycotts and protests, all taxes were ended except the TEA TAX
BOSTON MASSACRE 1770 Disagreement between British soldiers and Boston residents 5 colonists are killed Increased tension
TEA TAX 1773 The British East India Trade Company (Pirates of the Caribbean) Allowed then NOT to pay the existing tea tax British tea was cheaper than all other tea Economically forced people to choose their tea Boston Tea Party-1773 Colonists dumped 1 MILLION DOLLARS worth of tea into Boston Harbor
COERCIVE AND INTOLERABLE ACTS Boston Harbor is closed: Huge hit to their economy Town meetings are illegal without British Governor’s okay Quartering Act-colonists required to provide shelter to British soldiers Trials of British officials moved out of Massachusetts Canadian border extended, threatens liberty!