Seattle Seattle is the Capital of Washington Haq Khan
The best time to visit Seattle is during the summer. The summer is the best time cause the weather stays at a nice 75 degrees. There is not a lot of rain during this season. When to Visit?
How to come to Seattle The way most people take to get any were is by plane. A flight from Newark airport to Seattle WA, is $620 dollars
Places to stay while in Seattle There are many good place to stay in Seattle is in the down town area. Here are a couple hotels in that area, W Seattle, The Edgewater Hotel, Ace Hotel, The Fairmont Olympic Hotel, Hilton, Hotel max, Sorrento Hotel, The Roosevelt Hotel, Alexis Hotel, The Paramount Hotel, La Quinta Inn & Suites, Hotel 1000
Landmarks to see land marks to visit while in Seattle are the space needle, Ballard district, Fremont, Tillicum village, Chinatown international district, smith tower, capitol hill, fisherman's terminal, the gum wall, alki point light house, belvedere viewpoint.
Amusement parks Seattle pinball museum, Seattle great wheel, game works, sandbox sports, wood land park zoo, Seattle aquarium, Safeco field, Century link field, Seattle mariners, key arena, west Seattle golf club.
Cultural things to do Chihuly Garden and Glass, Museum of Flight, The Museum of History & Industry, Seattle art museum, Science fiction museum and hall of fame, living computer museum, Seattle Asian art museum, Olympic sculpture park, Benaroya hall, pacific northwest ballet, 5 th avenue theater, Teatro Zinzanni, Imax dome theater.
Outdoor activates Kerry park, green lake park, Discovery park, volunteer park, Washington park arboretum, Kubota garden, Klondike gold rush national park, alki beach, golden gardens park, Japanese tea garden, Lincoln park, lake Washington, Gas works park, lake union, Hamilton view point park, sand point Magnuson park, Blake island state park.
Restaurants Wild ginger and Japonessa sushi Cocina are most famous in seattle. purple café and wine bar, Palomino Restaurant, Mae Phim Thai, taste, Café champagne, the crab pot restaurant and bar, Metropolitan Grill, tuilo, Umi Sake House, six seven, salumi, il bistro, tango, Place Pigalle restaurant, art of the table, kells irish restaurant