17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 1 IOPD XI 2008 Berlin, 17 June 2008 GMO Policies in the EU – Consequences for the International Trade in Oilseeds and Feedstuffs and the EU‘s Livestock Sector Klaus Schumacher Toepfer International
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 2 Rising GMO Acreage Worldwide - mln ha - Source:ISAAA
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 3 Rising GMO Acreage Worlwide - mln ha - Source:ISAAA
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 4 Share of GMOs in Total Plantings in 2007/08 (%)
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 5 EU Approval System for GMOs No import, no processing, no cultivation without EU approval Zero tolerance without approval Approval process – many steps: EFSA risk assessment Standing Committee Agricultural Council for import & processing Environmental Council for cultivation Duration up to 5 years (USA: months) 35 applications pending
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 6 No maize imports into the EU from the US since 1997 2007: GA21 restricts corn imports from Argentina Corngluten feed imports reduced from 5 mln t to zero DDG from 1.5 mln t to zero 2007: in addition, export stop for maize from Ukraine Remaining supplier: Brazil Price for Brazilian maize 50 to 70 €/t higher compared to US corn Impact of lack of timely approvals and zero- tolerance policy. Example: Maize imports into the EU
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 7 Trade Impact on the European Market EU Corngluten Feed and DDGS Imports declined sharply - mln tons - Herculex
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 8 More Problems to Come in 2008/2009 USA: 1. Soybeans: in 2008 only seed production, commercialization to start in Bayer LL soybeans - Monsanto RR2 - Pioneer Optimum GAT (not yet fully approved in the US) 2. Corn: plantings 2007 and VT Rootworm RR2 - Agrisure (MIR 604) - more in the pipeline for 2010 Argentina/Brazil: no new events yet approved, but quick adaptation expected
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 9 State of play of new Events in the EU 1.Soybeans: - RR2 at EFSA stage since July Optimum GAT at EFSA stage since Sept Bayer LibertyLink Agricultural Council in July 2.Corn: - all new Events are at EFSA stage since mid 2007 (Agrisure MIR 604 since 2005) 3. Canola: T45 at the Standing Committee
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 10 Reminder: Zero Tolerance for Events not yet approved in the EU !
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 11 Separation of bulk commodities in the supply chain „Bulk Commodity Trade“ is aggregation of several small charges to bigger units (Realisation of Economies of Scale) Total separation of goods within the supply chain is not possible. Even on the farm this is hard to achieve. Not origins or attributes are traded, but qualities Threshold levels are common (e.g. foreign material in malting barley). Same is needed for GMO’s. Highly sensitive GMO-tests show already smallest contents of GMO (e.g. HXRW corn)
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 12 Source: USDA, OilWorld, ACTI EU-27: Protein Feed Consumption (mln t)
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 13 EU-27: Consumption of 36.5 mln t Soybean Meal - Imports and Domestic production - Source: USDA, ACTI Produced from EU soybeans: 0.8 mln t (2%) Imported soybean meal 24.1 mln t (66%) Produced from imported soybeans 11.5 mln t (32%)
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 14 Source: USDA, Eurostat, ACTI EU-27: Soybean Imports (mln t) /052005/062006/072007/082008/09 USABrazilArgentinaOthers
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 15 Source: USDA, Eurostat, ACTI EU-27: Soybean Meal Imports (mln t) /052005/062006/072007/082008/09 BrazilArgentinaUSAothers
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 16 Breakdown of EU soybean meal consumption Total consumption in 2006/07 about 36.5 mln t 90% are labelled (“produced from genetically modified soybeans”) Share of soybean meal without labeling requirements: about mln t or 10% 10% are not labelled, thus content of GMO is below 0.9% Major markets for non-GMO: France, UK, Germany
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 17 Expectations and Reality Market power of the EU Political commitments of South American countries Enforceability of legal provisions in South America New suppliers of soybeans
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 18 Future of EU Feedstuff Supply – Actions Urgently Needed Corngluten feed & DDG no longer available in EU Many new GMOs are in the pipeline Traces of 2 nd generation of transgenic soybeans to be found in US crop 2008 & 2009 in South America Consequences for the EU: Significant shortfall of protein feed The competitiveness of the UE livestock sector will decrease significantly Increasing problems for food processing sector
17 June 2008IOPD XI 2008Chart 19 Improve EU approval process Implement thresholds for LLP of events not yet approved in the EU Complete CODEX process Assure timely and parallel requests for approval in exporting and importing countries Harmonize sampling and testing procedures Future of EU Feedstuff Supply – Actions Urgently Needed