Karen Winter EDU 671 Kathleen Lunsford
The purpose of this study is to bring in a Positive behavioral support (PBS) program into the classroom. By implementing this program, will it make a difference in the way the students behave and the way teachers handle students with behavior issues.
Aggressive behavior Children very hands on Long days Children are being raised in school setting Concerned parents
Collecting Data Teachers, and students. Get permission Have a safe environment Copy of plan easily accessible English learners Children with disabilities
Can bringing in a Positive behavioral support (PBS) program into the classroom reduce aggressive behavior? How will the students with behavioral issues react to the PBS in the classroom
Good resources Working in the school Good relations with children and parents Gained trust with the staff
Explain how program will work. Give details Get permission Do observations
Observe behaviors Analyze information Is the behavior age appropriate What are the causes or triggers this behavior. Gain tools to help with that ever it is that triggers that child. Find the triggers Change the behavior
Parents Teachers Environment
planner facilitator teacher listener reporter observer designer
Initial observation about two weeks Make a plan. To implement the plan Observation after the plan Wrap up
Articles Journals Creditable information Positive approach Life experiences Opinions from peers in the field
Search engines. Important material needed to create a plan. Reviewing material
Qualitative research. Interviewing. observations. videotaping. Structured approach Journals. Antidotal records.
Collected information. Analyze all the data We will use a table format. Triangulation Chart
Research questionData collectionJustifications How will the students with behavioral issues react To the PBS in the classroom Observation, Antidotal records Interviewing Staff/teachers Observation, interviews and written records, will give me valid information How are the students with behavior issues, Doing? Observation, Antidotal records Interviewing Staff/teachers Using the information above I can compare results. Will the PBS change the dynamics Of the classroom? Observation, Antidotal records Interviewing Staff/teachers I can see dynamics of the classroom, as well as adjustment of student and teachers.
With all the information that this study will show I will be able to make a plan to help children with aggressive behavior.
Blood, E., Johnson, J. W., Ridenour, L., Simmons, K., & Crouch, S. (2011). Using an iPod Touch to Teach Social and Self-Management Skills to an Elementary Student with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders. Education & Treatment Of Children (West Virginia University Press), 34(3), a6875e16991%40sessionmgr114&hid=115&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=aph&AN= a6875e16991%40sessionmgr114&hid=115&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=aph&AN= British Educational library.ashford.edu/eds/detail?vid=4&sid=b6ef c-46b7-9ce8- bb0829f1ce4f%40sessionmgr198&hid=115&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=aph&AN= Hollis J. (1995),Effect of technology on enthusiasm for learning Science” in S. Spiegel, A. Collins, & J. Lappert (Eds.), Action Research: Perspectives from Teachers’ Classrooms. Science FEAT (Science For Early Adolescence Teachers). Tallahassee, FL: SouthEastern Regional Vision for Education. Retrieved October20,2004,from _ch1. Reprinted with permission. McKevitt, B. Dempsey, J. Ternus, J. Shriver, M. (2012). Dealing with Behavior Problems: The Use of positive behavior support strategies in summer programs. Retrieved May 24, 2014, from: