DRINK DRIVING Almost a quarter of all fatal crashes in WA involve a driver with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) equal to or greater than COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION INCREASES THE RISK OF A CRASH Drivers with a 0.05 BAC are twice as likely to crash, seven times as likely with a 0.08 BAC and 25 times more likely with a 0.15 BAC. COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
WHAT DOES A BAC OF 0.05 MEAN? It is different for every person, depending on your weight, how quickly you drink, whether you are fit, whether you are eating at the same time… COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
THE BEST GUIDE For men (on average): 2 standard drinks in the first hour and 1 standard drink per hour after that For women (on average): 1 standard drink per hour L and P Platers and other drivers (eg Taxis, Bus Drivers etc) must have a zero blood alcohol concentration when driving COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
BUT WHAT IS A STANDARD DRINK? A Can of mid-strength beer 375ml (3-5% alc/vol) A full glass of wine 200ml (10-14% alc/vol) Spirit 30ml (37-43% alc/vol) A pint of beer 550ml (4-6% alc/vol) Are these standard drinks? 1212 COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
For a driver with a full licence: BAC of 0.05 For a L-Plate or P-Plate driver: ZERO BAC Group of Drivers: ZERO BAC Heavy Vehicles with a Gross Combined Mass > 22.5 tonne Passenger vehicles (eg. buses) equipped to seat more than 12 adults including the driver while carrying passengers Omnibuses and taxis carrying passengers for reward or hire LEGAL BAC LIMITS COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
Vehicles carrying dangerous goods Holders of Extraordinary licences Recently disqualified drivers LEGAL BAC LIMITS (cont.) Be careful: your BAC rises for up to 2 hours after your last drink! COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
Effective from 1 August 2012 Disqualification Notices will be issued to drivers who commit the following drink driving offences: Driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle while having a BAC of or above 0.08g of alcohol per 100mL of blood. (Section 64 Road Traffic Act 1974) Driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol 0.15g of alcohol per 100mL of blood (Section 63 Road Traffic Act 1974) DISQUALIFICATION NOTICES FOR DRINK DRIVING OFFENCES
Failing to comply with a requirement of a member of the WA Police, such as to provide a sample of breath, blood or urine for analysis.(Section 67 Road Traffic Act 1974) If a driver is issued with a Disqualification Notice, they will be immediately disqualified from driving for two months. Drivers will also be unable to apply for an Extraordinary Licence for the duration that the notice applies DISQUALIFICATION NOTICES FOR DRINK DRIVING OFFENCES (cont.) COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS
Alcohol affects: Decision-making Reaction times Speed and distance judgements Concentration and perception Balance and alertness DRINKING KILLS DRIVING SKILLS COUNTERING DRINK DRIVING STANDARD DRINKS