How to make the most of wpba. (workshop) Andrew Whitehouse Jan
This workshop Aim; to revisit workplace assessment of doctors to clarify purpose, to help us improve it. Objectives; Agree definitions Decide on what counts as wpba, now, and potentially. Identify best practice in formative assessment. Identify best practice in summative assessment. Find ways to maximise performance assessment.
Introductions Who are you? Why did you come? What do you know about assessment? What do you want to get from this?
The key terms needed for this workshop Summative assessment Formative assessment Competence assessment Performance assessment
Some principles to consider…. Assessment has 2 main functions Summative Formative Society needs to be assured that doctors are safe, and care about patients. Summative assessment is its check on this. Summative assessment also drives learning. The best teaching is “needs based”. Formative assessment, well done, uses this.
DOES SHOWS HOW KNOWS HOW KNOWS BEHAVIOUR COGNITIVE ASSESSMENTS PERFORMANCE “in vivo” eg MSF ( professional), supervision of work by multiple observers (clinical) Clinical audit/complaints etc COMPETENCE “in vitro” eg OSCE, simulation, miniCEX, DOPS CLINICAL TEST exam, grey cases FACTUAL TEST MCQ
Principles for assessment (high stakes, summative) Validity. Content Face Concurrent Predictive etc Reliability Fairness Practicality
What counts as wpba in new curricula? (eg Foundation 2005/2010, CMT 2009) miniCEX DOPS CbD ACAT MSF Patient survey
What workplace assessments does GMC list? (2010) (a) systematic observation of clinical practice (b) direct observational procedure (wpbas) (c) Video (d) judgements of multiple assessors (e) consulting with simulated patients (f) case record review, including OPD letters (g) case-based discussions(wpba) (h) oral presentations (i) 360º peer assessment(wpba) (j) patient feedback surveys (k) audit projects (l) critical incident review.
Tasks; Re GMC list of workplace assessments Decide which are formative, which summative Decide which assess competence, which assess performance For the performance group, propose ways to measure, link to curriculum outcomes, record, embed into NHS assessment practice, generally improve their use…………(consider validity, reliability, fairness, practicality!)
What workplace assessments does GMC list? (2010) P=performanceC=competence (a) systematic observation of clinical practiceP (b) direct observational procedure (wpbas)C (c) VideoC (d) judgements of multiple assessorsP (e) consulting with simulated patientsC (f) case record review, including OPD lettersP (g) case-based discussions(wpba)P/C (h) oral presentationsP/C (i) 360º peer assessment(wpba)P (j) patient feedback surveysP (k) audit projectsP/C (l) critical incident review.P