National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2014 Uro-onc Clinical Nurse Specialist Action Plan - Jan 2015 SSG meeting Feb 2015
CNS now in clinic 5 days a week 8am till 6pm Designated nurse to cover one stop clinics Sub teams to work with named consultant teams OPD clinic space review for further CNS room. Access to CNS
Many patients given cancer diagnosis by CNS (to aim for all new patients) All patients seen by CNS team given information, resources & signposting Clinic letters to patients still to be improved (bring a friend) Lack of information in other languages Diagnosis & Treatment Decisions
Meet with CNS – discussion, assessment, information and signposting Open access to CNS team Survivorship events – LWD, Courses, Prehab NGS Mac Well Being Centre Health Needs Assessment & Treatment Summaries Support For People With Cancer
Need to develop closer liaison with cancer trials team Trails team nurses attend weekly MDT BHOC - access to clinical trials Research and Trials
Closer ward and AO liaison planned new staff i Plan to attend more ward rounds and board rounds Look at options for CERNER / Lorenzo to flag patients Improve support for in patients from tertiary centres & BHOC In Patient Issues
Improved support for patients – one stop access to CNS Developing new ways of working Ongoing & developing survivorship activities Priority - agree pathways for follow up for all 5 cancer sites Summary