What’s Wrong with Cars? Standard cars of all shapes and sizes run on gasoline. Gasoline is a type of oil, which is a fossil fuel. When the gas is burned inside the car’s engine is emits Carbon Dioxide (Co2), which is very harmful to the environment. Some people propose we use electric cars instead. This would be an improvement, but the electricity has to come from somewhere. Most of the energy that powers electric cars comes from other fossil fuels, so driving an electric car is no better for the planet than driving a normal car.
The Co2 Problem Co2 is released into the air by cars and other things Co2 gets trapped in atmosphere Called the greenhouse effect This effects the Earth Earth heats up Oceans get more acidic
Alternate Methods of Transportation METHODS ALREADY IN USE Car-to-go or Zip-car Buses Walking Bicycling Subway or other under ground transportation Light rails or other street trains STILL EXISTING PROBLEMS Small cars and buses still produce Co2 so it’s not much of a help Its hard to get people to actually walk or bike when there is faster transportation methods available. Subway or other train systems have to be built, which requires funding and time.
How People Get to Work in Seattle Data collected in 2013
What is the Solution? We need to get more people to use alternate methods of transportation. Whether its biking to work or building a “green” public transportation system If the world could switch its main source of transportation from cars and busses to a fast, global, good for the earth, method of mass transportation, it would be good for everyone. I propose maglev trains as a “clean” transportation system.
What is a Maglev Train? A Maglev train is a train that hovers while it runs. Maglev trains use magnet levitation (hence the name) to suspend the train car over the track. There is very little friction while it runs so maglev trains can go very fast, which is especially good for long distance travel. Maglev trains don’t directly put C02 into the air. Even though it takes electricity to run and build maglev trains most of Seattle’s electricity is hydro-electricity which is renewable source of energy.
Maglev Transportation Leads to… Less Co2 in the Air An easy, green source of energy for in city public transportation A train system that could carry thousands of people to work everyday A fast method of long distance travel (air-planes produce lots of Co2)
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