The Transfiguration of Christ “A Voice from the Excellent Glory”
The Transfiguration of Christ The Value of Miracles 2 Peter 1 To create "remembrance" - 2 Peter 1 Three cognate words are used here: V.12 V.12 - hupomimnesko - to remind quietly; i.e. suggest to the memory. V.13 V.13 - hupomnesis - a reminding or recollection V.15 V.15 - mneme - memory Hence, the "power" (dunamis) and "coming" (parousia - being near; presence) of Christ was made known by eyewitnesses. "We have not followed cunningly devised fables"
The Transfiguration of Christ The Limitations of Miracles 2 Peter 1 Miracles provide assurance, they do not: Rom.10:17 2 Peter 1:3-4. create faith ("Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" - Rom.10:17) - Faith is developed by "knowledge" (epignosis - exact knowledge; full discernment) - 2 Peter 1:3-4. Miracles create awe and respect, they do not: v.5-7 v.19 Change character for the better. Character is developed by stages springing out of faith (v.5-7) - the operative power is "a more sure word of teaching" (v.19).
The Transfiguration of ChristTransfiguration "transfiguration" - Greek - metamorphoo (Eng. metamorphosis) = to change the form, to transform. Matt. 17:2; Mark 9:2; Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor.3:18 There are only four occurrences of the word in the N.T. - Matt. 17:2; Mark 9:2; Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor.3:18 (the first two of the transfiguration of Christ). Rom. 12:2 Rom. 12:2 - "transformed" = The transformation of the mind by renewal of thinking processes. 2 Cor. 3:18 2 Cor. 3:18 - "changed" = The transformation of character by mirroring the character of Christ.
The Transfiguration of Christ Context of the Transfiguration Matt. 16:28 The Kingdom comes - Matt. 16:28 Matt. 17:2 Time of the apocalypse of Christ - Matt. 17:2 Matt. 17:6-7 Resurrection of the dead - Matt. 17:6-7 Matt. 17:3 Saints appear in glory - Matt. 17:3 Matt. 17:11 Elijah comes and restores Israel - Matt. 17:11 Zech. 4:7Matt. 17:20 A great mountain (Babylon the Great) removed (Zech. 4:7) - Matt. 17:20 Matt. 17:15-18 Mankind cured of “falling sickness” - Matt. 17:15-18 Matt. 17:20 Mustard seed = Universal Kingdom - Matt. 17:20
The Transfiguration of Christ The Sign of the Prophet Jonah Matt.16:4 Matt.15 Context Matt.15 - Conversion of the Gentiles V Judaism and its leaders repudiated V.21 V.21 - In the coasts of Tyre and Sidon V.22 V.22 - Heals daughter of woman of Canaan (dogs) V.29Isa.9:1 V.29 - Nigh sea of Galilee (Isa.9:1 - "nations") V.31Isa.61:1 V.31 - Allusion to Isa.61:1 (context Gentiles) V.31Jonah 3:8 V.31 - They glorified "the God of Israel" (Jonah 3:8) V.32Jonah 3:3 V.32 - "Three days" journey - Cp. Jonah 3:3 V.38 V ,000 (mostly Gentiles) brought into covenant
The Transfiguration of Christ The Sign of the Prophet Jonah Matt.16:4; 12:39-40 John 7:52 John 7:52 - "Search and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet" said the Pharisees. Jonah was the only O.T. prophet from Galilee - he came from Gath-Hepher ("The winepress of the well") - a town about 5 kms from Nazareth! The root of Hepher means to pry into, search, dig, explore. Matt. 3:16 Jonah = "the dove" - symbol of the Spirit (Matt. 3:16). Ex. 34:6. "son of Amittai" = "veracious" from emeth = truth, stability - a characteristic of Yahweh - Ex. 34:6.
The Transfiguration of Christ Simon Bar-jona Matt. 16:17 “The hearing son of Jonah (the Dove = the Spirit)”. Jonah 1:3 Jonah evaded his duty to preach to Gentiles - escaping from Joppa (Jonah 1:3). Acts 10 Peter was tested at Joppa as to whether he was willing to use the keys of the Kingdom to open the door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 10). Matt. 16:22 Acts 10:14 Cp. Peter's declaration in Matt. 16:22 ("Be it far from thee Lord"), with Acts 10:14 ("Not so Lord"). Jonah 2:6Matt. 17:1 Cp. "mountains" - Jonah 2:6 and Matt. 17:1.
The Transfiguration of Christ Peter the "Rock" John 1:42 Called "Cephas" (John 1:42) = a rock or stone Matt. 16:18 "thou art Peter" - Gr. petros = a piece of rock, or stone "and upon this rock I will build my ecclesia" - Gr. petra = a mass of rock, cliff, a ledge or platform Peter was to prove himself still a moveable rock - his declaration was the immovable foundation of Christ's Ecclesia, consisting of Jew and Gentile.
The Transfiguration of Christ Why Moses and Elijah? Was it because they represented the Law and the Prophets? Luke 9:312 Pet. 1:15 Was it because they are both leaders of an Exodus, and Christ was speaking of his "Exodus“ (cp. Luke 9:31 and 2 Pet. 1:15)?...or were there more important reasons? Both Moses and Elijah were taught a very vital lesson Men are not changed for the Kingdom by miracles, but by hearing and believing the Word of God.
The Transfiguration of Christ "Passed By" Ex. 33:21-23; 34:6 1 Kings 19:9-14 This phrase connects the record of Moses on Mount Horeb (Ex. 33:21-23; 34:6) with that of Elijah on the same mount (1 Kings 19:9-14). 1 Kings 19:19-21 It also links the above events with the call of Elisha to service in Elijah's stead (1 Kings 19:19-21). John 1:14 All of the above laid the foundation for the events of the Transfiguration in which Moses and Elijah "pass by", and finally even the bright cloud and the voice "passed by" so that Jesus was found alone - the Word (the voice) made flesh – John 1:14.
The Transfiguration of Christ “Shew me now thy way” Ex. 33:12-23 Moses intercedes for a “disfellowshipped” Israel from the midst of the camp. Ex. 33:7-10 The basis of reconciliation has been laid in Israel’s humble prostration in acknowledging their position – Ex. 33:7-10. V. 9 God accedes to Moses’ request – “My presence (previously withdrawn – V. 9) shall go with thee”. V. 18 Moses is encouraged to make an astonishing request (V. 18): “I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.”
The Transfiguration of Christ “…while I pass by” V. 19 V. 19 – “I will make all my goodness pass before thee” – i.e. both physical and moral glory. V Tim. 6:16 V. 20 – “Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man (adam) see me, and live.” – 1 Tim. 6:16. V Kings 19:9 V. 21 – “a clift” - neqa ̂ ra ̂ h - hole, crevice. Cp. Elijah’s cave – 1 Kings 19:9. V. 22 Job 36:32 V. 22 – “and will cover thee with my hand” (kaph - palm, hollow or flat of the hand. Translated “clouds” - Job 36:32).
The Transfiguration of Christ “And the LORD passed by” Ex. 34:6-7 Isa. 63:9; Acts 7:38 This was “the angel of his presence” (Isa. 63:9; Acts 7:38) manifesting the full glory of God. Rotherham - “Yahweh, Yahweh, A God (El = power) of compassion and favour,—Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness (chesed) and faithfulness (emeth).” V. 10 V. 10 – “before all thy people I will do marvels” – Israel would not respond to the voice! Ps. 103:7 Ps. 103:7 – “He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.”
The Transfiguration of Christ Elijah on Mt. Horeb 1 Kings 19 Wind Earthquake Fire “What doest thou here, Elijah?” Hazael Jehu Elisha “son of judgement” and “prophet” – God’s voice in Israel Israel “passed by” “the voice of a gentle whisper” “passed by” “the voice of a gentle whisper”
The Transfiguration of Christ Elijah Passes By - 2 Kings 2 v.11 Wind - "went up by a whirlwind into heaven" (v.11) v.8 Earthquake - Jordan "divided hither and thither" - like an earthquake (v.8) v.11 Fire - "a chariot of fire and horses of fire" (v.11) v.2,4,6 Elisha - the persistent "still small voice" (v.2,4,6) v.8,13,14 Zech.13:41 Kings 19:19 The Mantle (v.8,13,14) - addereth - Symbol of prophetic office - Zech.13:4 (cp. 1 Kings 19:19) Note - Sons of the prophets - so awe-struck by the dramatic events, they did not 'hear' Elisha's voice
The Transfiguration of Christ A Voice from the Excellent Glory Luke 9:28-35, “And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. ” John 1:14 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
The Transfiguration of Christ Our transfiguration (metamorphosis) 2 Cor. 3:18 “…and we all, with unvailed face, the glory of the Lord beholding in a mirror, to the same image are being transformed, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (Young’s Literal)
The Transfiguration of Christ
Other Hints of Jonah Matt. 15:39 Jonah 1:3 Matt. 15:39 – “And he sent away the multitude, and took ship ” (cp. Jonah 1:3 – “But Jonah rose up to flee…. and he found a ship going to Tarshish” ). Matt. 16:3 Jonah 1:4 Matt. 16:3 – “And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day” (cp. Jonah 1:4 – “But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea” ).
The Transfiguration of Christ The Transfiguration "The Son of man coming in his glory" Christ - King-Priest in glory and honour. Moses - The glorified saints who enter the Kingdom through resurrection from the dead. Elijah - The glorified saints who enter the Kingdom by translation (alive and remain at return). 3 Disciples - Mortal Jews who see the glory first. Other disciples - Israel outside the Land waiting. Multitude - The mortal nations who seek Christ.
The Transfiguration of Christ Transfiguration Contrasts Matt.16:13 Matt.16:13 - "the men" John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, a prophet "flesh and blood" Peter (petros) - rock "Gates of hell" "suffer", "be killed" "Get behind me Satan" 17:5 17:5 - God's voice "my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" "my heaven" "upon this rock" - petra "keys of the kingdom" "glory of his Father" "Blessed art thou, Simon" MenGod
The Transfiguration of Christ The Keys of the Kingdom Matt.16:19Isa.22:22 Matt.16:19 (Drawn from Isa.22:22*) The two keys given to Peter were: "The sufferings of Christ", and 1 Pet.1:11 "The glory that should follow" (1 Pet.1:11) 1 Peter1:2-4, 11, 19-21; 3:18-22; 4:1,11, 13; 5:2 These "keys" are mentioned together at least 7 times in 1 Peter (1:2-4, 11, 19-21; 3:18-22; 4:1,11, 13; 5:2) Acts 2Acts 10 Peter used the Keys twice - to the Jews in Acts 2 and to the Gentiles in Acts 10. Matt.16:18 Isa.38:10 * Note: Matt.16:18 "the gates of hell" is drawn from Isa.38:10 - the words of Hezekiah
The Transfiguration of Christ The Keys of the Kingdom Matt.16:19 Keys provide access, but only if used in the correct manner - Matt.16:19 Principle: The cross must come before the crown Sufferings suffer many things "lose life" take up cross rebuke - "get behind me“ Glory be raised again "find life" reward every man see the Son of man coming in Kingdom
The Transfiguration of Christ Why the Discrepancy in Dating? Matt. 17:1 Matt. 17:1 - "And after six days...." Mark 9:2 Mark 9:2 - "And after six days...." Luke 9:28 Luke 9:28 - "And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings....." Matthew and Mark use the exclusive dating method while Luke uses the inclusive method. Six days prefigures the 6,000 year history of man before the apocalypse of Christ in glory, and 8 days points forward to the culmination of this in the time beyond the Millennium - the eighth day.