Enterprise Solution Services Assessing the IT environment Oversaw 2014 Texas Legacy System Study report (HB 2738, 83R) Identified 4,130 business applications 51% Legacy Status Implementing innovative solutions for agencies (HB 1890, 84R) Application Portfolio Management (APM) pilot and program service Business Analytics and Reporting (BAR) pilot and program service Application Development Decision Framework (ADDF) Providing recommendations for leadership Prioritization of Cybersecurity and Legacy Modernization projects (HB 1, Rider 9.10, 84R) Composing Legacy Modernization Strategy for Legislature (HB 1890, 84R)
Overview Key tenants of HB R: Collaborative environments Common technology solutions Supported by these HB R shared services: Application Portfolio Management (aka. Information Technology Portfolio Management) Initial Pilot Establish a shared program offered to other entities Business Analytics and Reporting Initial Pilot Establish a shared service among state agencies
Application Portfolio Management Capabilities: Align business applications with agency business needs Identify business capabilities Clearly associate with supporting automation solutions Definition: Business Application A Business Application name is the high-level label used by the agency business and IT organizations to easily reference a group of functions provided by one or more systems to accomplish the specific business needs of the agency. A Business Application is typically a combination of integrated, internally developed custom systems, commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications, and/or customized third party systems.
Application Portfolio Management Capabilities (cont.): Provide data consistency for reliable review and continuous improvement of business applications Support reconciliation with configuration management systems Disaster recovery requirements Dependencies between business applications Identify investment requirements for business applications Refresh Enhancements Aligning funding cycles
Application Portfolio Management Capabilities (cont.): Establish lifecycle expectations for business applications Development, support, retirement, or migration Measure, report, and adjust values and expectations Enable rationalization across business, agency, and the enterprise Sharing knowledge between agencies Identify opportunities for shared services and leveraged procurements
Application Portfolio Management APM Pilot participants: Seven state agencies of various sizes: Texas Dept. of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR), Texas Dept. of Public Safety (TxDPS), Texas Office of Courts Administration (TxOCA), State Office of Risk Management (SORM), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Dept. of Information Resources (DIR) APM Pilot environment: CA Technologies – CA APM SaaS
Application Portfolio Management Schedule: September 2015 – December 2015 Create pilot environment and data import process January 2016 – April 2016 Support agencies’ data population and testing May 2016 – August 2016 Engage full range of business users for production use of the system September 2016 – October 2016 Prepare final report of Pilot lessons learned and recommendations October 2016 Report to state leadership Develop and release a Request for Offer for a full program service.
Business Analytics and Reporting Background: Legacy System Study (HB R) identified large count Similar functions with redundant deployments Complex solution to build and maintain Business Analytics and Business Intelligence are strategic Complements the work being initiated by the State Data Coordinator
Business Analytics and Reporting Implementation goals: Populating the BAR with data from one (1) to two (2) agency applications per pilot agency. Completing this initial data population within two (2) months of BAR platform setup. Piloting the BAR across agencies of varying size. Providing analytical, dashboard and reporting capabilities to business users to provide better insight into agency data to improve executive decision making. Providing logins for up to 30 pilot agency staff.
Business Analytics and Reporting Project goals: Identifying improvements and components to retain: software services, governance, model, etc. Creating an actionable guide, documentation standards, and templates for implementing a BAR service program that can serve small, medium or large state agencies. Documenting the effectiveness of the pilot against the project goals and objectives. Identifying the level of effort required by the varied sized agencies to participate in this pilot. DIR will use this information as a basis for recommendations regarding full program implementation. Identifying viable chargeback mechanisms to support a full program service offering.
Business Analytics and Reporting Players: Five state agencies of various sizes: Commission on State Emergency Comm. (CSEC), Dept. of State Health Services (DSHS), Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC), Texas Dept. of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR), Dept. of Information Resources (DIR) Pilot environment: SaaS – Microsoft Cortana Analytics Suite and Power BI Integrator – Catapult Systems, LLC.
Business Analytics and Reporting Schedule: April 2016 Initial BAR platform ready for testing April 2016 – May 2016 Initial agency data upload and training May 2016 – September 2016 Pilot sprint support and training September 2016 Lessons learned and governance report creation October 2016 Report to state leadership with recommendations Develop and release a Request for Offer for a full program service