GOBI / FALCON With e-book ordering option New Software in November 2007
Major changes: Faster E-Book Ordering Option New Way to Mark Titles New Way to Filter and Sort Records Faster Printing and ing More Keyboard Shortcuts Resizable Text
Things that will stay the same: -- All GOBI logins and passwords -- Items in your carts and folders will stay -- Main menu display is the same (for now)
First time you log into GOBI/Falcon… You will see a new Welcome Screen that lists keyboard Short Cuts Click “Don’t display again” to suppress welcome screen on future logins Click OK to move to next screen
New GOBI/Falcon Basic Search Screen
Searches can be limited to E-Books only
Our contract only allows ebrary e-book ordering via GOBI (we cannot order EBL or NetLibrary titles)
E-Book Record. Data includes: Availability, vendors, single/multiple user options, prices, alternate editions, OhioLINK holdings…
- To “highlight” a title, click on the left or right margin - Highlighting will show as a thick blue bar - No more ☑ check box
- You can highlight one title or many titles - To un-highlight, click again on the left or right margin
Click: “Preview” to see full text of e-books
Preview of E-Book: Displays entire text
Select: Single User Option (SUPO) unless title is for closed reserve
- Multiple user option (MUPO) costs more and is seldom needed - If needed later for reserve, we can re-purchase for multiple users (MUPO)
Click on GOBI record ISBN to see related OhioLINK holdings
HOW TO SELECT AND ORDER ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MOD orders from the GOBI bib you select So be sure to select the correct bib for: – e-book or print – hardback or paperback – correct edition – with or without accompanying materials
- Do a GOBI search or use your link to view GOBI records - Review your selections and highlight titles you want to order
NEW: Use Pull-down menu to Filter items - Filter in (pull-down option) – or – - Filter out (option at right, excludes items with that criteria)
Note: Details in orange box show e-book options, including whether this title appears in any ebrary collections available for lease
After title is highlighted with blue bar - Click “Put in Cart” icon to begin the order process
1. Place all your selections in the Order cart 2. Click on “Select Cart” icon to add order details 1. 2.
Or: Place in GOBI Express Select Cart
- E-Books are ordered on YBP e-book sub-account - Purchase Options = ebrary + Single User Option - No “location” needed for e-books / Fund must be listed - Save and Submit option sends request directly to MOD
For print items: Asterisk * fields are required Your choice to keep or remove titles from Select Cart Your choice to “Save” or “Save & Submit” requests
For selections that are “Saved” (but not submitted)… the “green light” shows that the title is ready to order. Click on “Submit All” icon to transmit requests to MOD
Acknowledgements The orange box lists “real time” notes of whether the title has been selected, downloaded by MOD, or ordered Acknowledgement page confirms which requests have been transmitted to MOD You can acknowledgement page to yourself
HOW DO YOU FIND OUT ABOUT NEW E-BOOKS? Separate weekly s links are sent to you for e-books in your subject areas GOBI can’t de-dup paper vs. e-books notices On GOBI, view “Alternate Editions” to see paper, e-book, British, or American editions Click “Preview” to view e-book full text before making your ordering decisions
When MOD orders E-Books on GOBI: MOD orders the bib record you transmit – Pick the right format and edition for your needs MOD recommends Single User Option – Specify MUSO (multiple users) if title is needed for closed reserve for a large class Ebrary is our only e-book provider via GOBI –You can’t place requests to other sellers
GOBI / Falcon software will continue to change -Future GOBI releases in 2008 will update folders, carts, and screen displays -New “pop-over” screens do away with pop-up blocker problems. Active screen is highlighted while screen below is grey. This means screens will load faster. -There should be less delay at login screen
Questions? Dracine John Karen Marsha Presentation URL: