Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: 2/20/14 Presented by: DJ Ralston and Brian Ingram with NDI Technical Assistance Team U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
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Moderator: Randee Chafkin Title: Workforce Development Specialist Organization: Employment and Training Administration 3# Presenter: Miranda Kennedy Title: Director of Training for DEI, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute
4# The DEI is focused on improving the accessibility, capacity, and accountability of America’s Job Centers to serve customers with disabilities resulting in education and career pathways that lead to unsubsidized employment and economic self-sufficiency. Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics and its partners.
5# Upon completion of this training, DEI grantees and members of the public workforce system will have the following: Be provided with a historical foundation of the Workforce Development System. –The Wagner-Peyser Act and Employment Services –The Workforce Investment Act as legislation. Have an increased understanding of the different funding streams that fund different activities in America’s Job Centers. –Wagner-Peyser –Workforce Investment Act – Adult/Dislocated Worker/Youth Understand why access issues exist for people with disabilities who are trying to enter and utilize programs and services in America’s Job Centers. –Workforce Investment Act Section 188 –Funding Implications
Presenter: DJ Ralston Title: WIA Subject Matter Expert, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Presenter: Brian Ingram Title: WIA Subject Matter Expert, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute 6#
7# Historical Background –Establishment of the Employment Service (Wagner-Peyser) –The Workforce Investment Act Legislation (1998) Different Funding Streams for Different Services and Programs –Wagner-Peyser – Core Services –Workforce Investment Act - Intensive and Training Services The background behind federal funding; How funding amounts are determined –General Funding – Wagner-Peyser –Performance Based Funding – Workforce Investment Act Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act –The purpose of Section 188 –The Section 188 Checklist Funding Implications –Programmatic Access
The Wagner – Peyser Act of 1933 established a nationwide system of public employment offices known as the Employment Service. The creation of this nationwide system served as the foundation for what we now refer to as the “Workforce Development System” and would be integrated into what we now know as “America’s Job Centers” that were established in 1998 under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). #8
The Wagner-Peyser Act was the governing legislation for the Employment Service System. Under the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 a Labor Exchange was formed. In addition to creating the Employment Service, the Act as legislation also created a guaranteed federal funding stream. #9
fundsThe Wagner-Peyser Act established the following services and also funds the following services for job seekers: –Job Search Assistance –Job Referral –Placement Assistance for Job Seekers –Re-Employment Services to Unemployment Insurance Claimants –Job Seeker assessment of skills, abilities and aptitudes –Career Guidance –Job Search Workshops –Referrals to Training #10
funds The Wagner-Peyser Act established the following services and also funds the following services for employers: Recruitment Services to Employers with Job Openings Referral of Job Applicants to job openings Assistance in development of Job Orders Matching Job Seeker Experience with Job Requirements and skills Assisting Employers with special recruitment needs Arranging Job Fairs Assisting with hard-to-fill job openings #11
#12 CORE Services Job Seekers Job Search Assistance, Referrals, Workshops Employers Posting Job Orders, Referrals,Job Fairs The services funded by, and provided under, the Wagner-Peyser Act are known as “Core” services. The diagram to the right illustrates how these services roll out under the umbrella of Core services.
In 1998, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) was passed. The previous Wagner-Peyser Act was incorporated into the new WIA Legislation under Title III of the Act. The passage of WIA not only incorporated the Wagner- Peyser legislation and associated programs/services (e.g., Core Services), it also created a new program under Title I of the Act– the Workforce Investment Act: Adult/Dislocated Worker/Youth programs into the existing Workforce Development System. #13
As of 1998, the public Workforce Development System at large was governed by the Workforce Investment Act – not to be confused with the WIA Adult/Dislocated Worker and Youth Programs. In addition to establishing the Workforce Investment Act (Adult/Dislocated Worker/Youth) programs, the legislation also established America’s Job Centers #14
America’s Job Centers were established to provide universal access to an integrated array of labor exchange services so that workers, job seekers and businesses can find the services they need in a single location where multiple employment programs can be accessed. #15
The Job Center Approach: The new system will be based on the “Job Center" concept where information about and access to a wide array of job training, education, and employment services is available for customers at a single neighborhood location. Customers will be able to easily: –Receive a preliminary assessment of their skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, and support service needs. #16
Obtain information on a full array of employment-related services, including information about local education and training service providers. Receive help filing claims for unemployment insurance and evaluating eligibility for job training and education programs or student financial aid. Obtain job search and placement assistance, and receive career counseling. #17
Have access to up-to-date labor market information which identifies job vacancies, skills necessary for in-demand jobs, and provides information about local, regional and national employment trends. Through “America’s Job Centers," employers will have a single point of contact to provide information about current and future skills needed by their workers and to list job openings. They will benefit from a single system for finding job-ready, skilled workers who meet their needs. #18
WIA authorized an amended Wagner-Peyser employment service program under Title III of the Act and established a “new” workforce development system under Title I to include the new Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth Programs and the creation of the Job Center system, that worked in tandem with the amendments to Wagner-Peyser under Title III. So, What Does This Really Mean? #19
There are now two major programs as part of the Workforce Development System at large: –Wagner-Peyser –Workforce Investment Act So What Is The Difference? –The answer is simple…. And…not so simple… While both programs share the same end goal: to help people become employed, the programs have different service components and different rules regarding how funding can be applied. It is these DIFFERENCES that are critical to access and will be discussed in much greater detail later in the training. #20
In order to understand the differences between the Wagner-Peyser program and the WIA programs, one must first understand each program independently. We have already covered the Wagner-Peyser Program/Services, so now we must understand the WIA Programs. Then we can compare and contrast the two programs and further understand the programmatic barriers for people with disabilities. #21
WIA enacted a formula-funded youth program serving eligible low-income youth, ages 14-21, who face barriers to employment. Funds for youth services are allocated to state and local areas based on a formula distribution. Service strategies, developed by workforce providers, prepare youth for employment and/or post-secondary education through strong linkages between academic and occupational learning. Local communities provide youth activities and services in partnership with America’s Job Center system and under the direction of local Workforce Investment Boards. #22
The Workforce Investment Act Adult and Dislocated Worker programs, created under Title 1 of WIA, were designed to: provide quality employment and training services to assist eligible individuals in finding qualifying and meaningful employment and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business. #23
#24 Adult Priority to recipients of public assistance and other low income individuals Workers who are unemployed or underemployed – i.e. not making self-sufficient wages. Dislocated Worker Has been terminated or laid off or received notice of termination or lay-off Must be eligible for or exhausted Unemployment Insurance (UI). Shown attachment to the workforce but not eligible for UI. Has been terminated or laid off or received notice of termination or lay-off due to permanent closure Employed at a facility that has announced closure within 180 days. Was self-employed Is a displaced homemaker
The goals of the Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs are as follows: –To increase employment (as measured by entry into unsubsidized employment). –To increase retention in unsubsidized employment six months after entry into employment. –To increase earnings in unsubsidized employment for dislocated workers; and –To enhance customer satisfaction for participants and employers. #25
The Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs were designed to be administered out of America’s Job Centers. In some cases, states and local areas will contract the administration of the WIA program out, in other cases it will be state and/or locally run. The point is that these programs are supposed to be an additional set of services offered through America’s Job Centers #26
There are three levels of services associated with the Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs 1.Core Services – These are the same services offered under Wagner-Peyser. 2.Intensive Services – This includes more comprehensive assessments, creation of an Individual Employment Plan and Career Counseling. 3.Training Services – This includes both occupational training and basic skills training. Participants who participate in training services utilize something called an Individual Training Account. #27
There are also Additional Services* associated with WIA Programs –Supportive Services – assistance with things like childcare, transportation, dependent care, housing and needs related payments. –Rapid Response –Trade Adjustment Assistance *Note: This is different from Wagner-Peyser programs #28
Core Services (everyone is eligible for core services) –Includes, job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills etc. Intensive Services –Includes career counseling and development of an individual employment plan. An Individual Training Account (ITA) –Includes money for training such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, etc. Supportive Services –Can include supports such as child care assistance, transportation assistance, housing assistance, needs related payments. #29
What differentiates the Wagner-Peyser program from the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs? –Eligibility –Available Services –Outcomes and Expectations Wagner-Peyser versus WIA Flow Chart Wagner-Peyser versus WIA MS Word Chart In addition to differences around eligibility, available services and outcomes and expectations, there are differences in how the programs are funded that are critical to programmatic access. #30
Just as the Wagner-Peyser Act established a permanent funding stream to provide Core Services to Job Seekers and Employers, the new and improved Workforce Investment Act of 1998 also established funding streams. –However, the legislation called for separate funding streams for Wagner-Peyser Activities (Title III) and WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities (Title I). #31
WIA earmarked a certain amount of funding for the Wagner- Peyser Program (Title III). The Act allotted a consistent and equal (based on several factors) amount of money for states to administer services associated with the Wagner-Peyser program. This amount of money was intended to remain consistent and constant just as it had under the Wagner-Peyser Act of Likewise, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 also earmarked a certain amount of money for WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs. However this money was NOT meant to be equal and consistent. Instead this money would be based on a state’s performance. #32
The WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs’ goals included the following: A.To increase employment (as measured by entry into unsubsidized employment). B.To increase retention in unsubsidized employment six months after entry into employment. C.To increase earnings in unsubsidized employment for dislocated workers #33
Accountability was a central theme of the new legislation. –There is a direct relationship between a WIA service provider’s performance and the amount of Adult and Dislocated Worker funding they receive. The identified goals of the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs serve as common measures by which states and local areas will be evaluated for continued funding. #34
Funding for WIA Programs are performance based. Each WIA provider must meet or exceed performance measure outcomes in order to continue to receive funding to administer these services: Employment, Employment Retention, and Wage Earnings Increase. A small amount of funding is dedicated to intensive, training, and support services, as compared to funding levels for core services These realities have led to the development of local “likely to succeed” standards based on the mandated WIA outcomes in an attempt to maintain a state/local area’s success rate and thus maintain funding levels. #35
As part of WIA legislation, Section 188 was created: –To ensure nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for various categories of persons, including persons with disabilities, who apply for and participate in programs and activities operated by recipients of WIA Title I financial assistance. –In addition, the Section 188 Checklist was created to help states/local areas to ensure meaningful participation of people with disabilities in programs and activities operated by recipients of financial assistance under WIA, including those that are part of America’s Job Center system. #36
Section 188 and the subsequent Section 188 Checklist are essential to ensuring equality for persons with disabilities and in many respects have helped to make the One-Stop Service Delivery system accessible to persons with disabilities, particularly as it relates to physical and communication access. Unfortunately, due to issues related to the performance based funding regulations, Section 188 has had limited success in achieving programmatic accessibility. #37
Even considering the positive effects of Section 188, programmatic access for people with disabilities and/or multiple challenges to employment is still challenging. –Often people with disabilities and/or multiple challenges to employment are not given an opportunity to be considered for enrollment in WIA intensive and training services due to concerns that they may not meet WIA performance measures, which in turn, could jeopardize program funding. It’s No One’s Fault. The best way to describe it is a systemic barrier – one that needs to change. So What Do We Do About This? #38
39 On today’s training we learned: The historical foundation of the Workforce Development System. –The Wagner-Peyser Act and Employment Services –The Workforce Investment Act as legislation. The different funding streams that fund different activities in the One-Stop Career Centers. –Wagner-Peyser –Workforce Investment Act – Adult/Dislocated Worker/Youth Why access issues exist for people with disabilities who are trying to enter and utilize programs and services in America’s Job Centers. –Workforce Investment Act Section 188 –Funding Implications
40# What are your thoughts/questions about The Workforce Development System Part 1 ?
41# Download materials from today’s event and review the differences between the Wagner-Peyser and WIA programs. If you have not already, attend a WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Orientation in your Job Center or schedule an appointment to talk with the WIA Counselor(s) in your Center(s) [Note: Make sure to schedule this after Part 2 of this series] and learn about the enrollment and eligibility process. Share this training and Part 2 with your Center staff as a spring board for discussion. Invite the WIA/Center Manager to join you on the next training session.
42# Workforce System 101 Training Modules U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration An introduction to the workforce system in eight parts, with each module offering the choice to learn from one of three perspectives: as a new workforce system employee, a new Workforce Investment Board (WIB) member, or a more experienced workforce system employee. Modules include: Module 1: Introduction to State and Local Workforce System Governance Module 2: The Mechanics of Workforce Funding Module 3: Workforce System Accountability Module 4: Wagner-Peyser Act and Reemployment Services Module 5: Workforce Investment Act Overview Module 6: Workforce System Services for Employers Module 7: Workforce System Scenario: Job Seeker Module 8: Workforce System Scenario: Employer Services
Speaker:DJ Ralston Title: WIA Subject Matter Expert Organization: National Disability Institute Telephone: Speaker: Brian Ingram Title: WIA Subject Matter Expert Organization: National Disability Institute Telephone: #
the 45# (Thursday, February 27 th 2014)
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