Daly (1996): individuals who are absolutely, periodically, or temporarily without shelter, as well as those who are at substantial risk of being on the streets in the immediate future. Homelessness Definitions
Homelessness in Toronto (1999): Who Are They? Hostel users: 71% male, 29% female 26,000 people used Toronto hostels in ,200 people use hostels on any given night 170,000 used shelters between Fastest growing group of hostel users: youth under the age of 18 and families with children
1988: 24% of households in hostel system were headed by women 1996: 37% of households in hostel system were headed by women 5,300 children were homeless in 1996 (that constitutes 19% of the homeless population) Between 30-35% of homeless are mentally ill An estimated 75% of homeless, single women are mentally ill Homelessness in Toronto (1999): Who Are They?
4,400 people in 1996 (17% of hostel users) stayed in the hostel system one or more years This chronic group occupies 46% of the hostel beds 47% of hostel users come from outside of Toronto >100,000 people are on the waiting list for social housing in Toronto >31,000 children are on the waiting Poverty is increasing for those on the waiting list, >1/3 have incomes <$800/month
Child Poverty in Toronto Incidence of child poverty in Toronto is double that of the rest of Ontario More than one in three children in Toronto are poor (37.7% of children under 12 yrs.) 15,000 children are waiting for subsidized child care spaces The number of children in need of food relief in Toronto has almost doubled from 32,000 in 1989 to more than 60,000 in 1998
Causes of Homelessness Increased poverty Lack of affordable housing Deinstitutionalization Social factors
Prevention Strategies Shelter allowances for the working poor Rent banks for short-term loans Databases of affordable housing Legal assistance Enforce anti-discrimination legislation Welfare recipients need funding for first & last month’s rent. Individual support & counselling Community economic development
Homelessness in Girls & Young Women (data from Novac, Serge, Eberle & Brown, 2002) Among a sample of Ottawa shelter users, more young women than men cited parental abuse as the reason for homelessness (25% vs. 11%) or had been abused (31% vs. 14%) 2,150 single women (out of a total of 6,310 youth) used Toronto shelters in The total number of shelter beds increased by almost 600 beds from December 2000 to February 2001, totaling 3,075 beds (plus another 169 places available through the Out of the Cold Program and another 90 during cold weather alerts).
Homelessness in Girls & Young Women (data from Novac, Serge, Eberle & Brown, 2002) A Montreal study found: –More females than males stayed with relatives/friends. –More females than males engaged in prostitution –Most of the younger females had prior involvement with the child welfare system –Early school leaving was common (half the females had not finished high school)
Homelessness in Girls & Young Women (data from Novac, Serge, Eberle & Brown, 2002) Montreal study: –Family poverty only moderately associated with homelessness –Over-representation of aboriginal youth –Illicit activities were common –More young women than men had no source of income (44% vs. 5%). They were less likely than men to have received financial assistance from relatives (3% vs. 23%) or received social assistance (36% vs. 48%)
Health Issues Homeless youth are more likely to have problems with: –Respiratory tract infections –STDs –Skin infections –Substance abuse –Trauma –Hepatitis B infections –HIV/AIDS –Dental disease –Pregnancy
Health Issues A Toronto study found that more than half of female street youth had attempted suicide and suffered from clinical depression. A Montreal study found 35% of homeless youth had attempted suicide, 63% reported suicidal thoughts, and 9% reported severe depression. Alcohol and drug use were higher in a Toronto sample of homeless youth than in a nonhomeless group. A Calgary study found that 71% of homeless youth were involved in delinquency (stealing, burglary, shoplifting).
Group Exercise What recommendations would you add to Anne Golden’s report? And why? –E.g., new/more programs? what kind? why? –E.g., new/more facilities? what kind? why?