Fast Facts The homeless population makes up, at most, about 10% of the general population. However, up to 40% of homeless youths identify as LGBT.
Proposed Legislation Global Respect Act International Human Rights Defense Act Healthy Families Act LGBT Elder Americans Act Respect for Marriage Act
Runaway and Homeless Youth Act Through the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program (RHY), FYSB supports street outreach, emergency shelters, and longer-term transitional living and maternity group home programs to serve and protect runaway and homeless youth. Expired September 2013
Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act The Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (RHYTPA) would reauthorize essential Runaway and Homeless Youth Act programs. Proposed in Congress, did not pass
Based on my research… Go beyond voting! Spread awareness and information Write to and lobby local congressmen Raise awareness for existing bills I believe first time voters should become more involved in the political process.
Why? Many bills have been proposed, but the only one that passed has long been expired and not been replaced. This calls for further lobbying and legislation. If we don’t become involved in other ways, that leaves people who usually don’t reflect progressive views to make and pass legislation that will benefit LGBT homelessness. In politics, it takes a collective effort to achieve a desired response.
Works Cited Cochran, Bryan N. (2015). Challenges Faced by Homeless Sexual Minorities: Comparison of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Homeless Adolescents With Their Heterosexual Counterparts. American Journal of Public Health, 92, Bartlett, Sarah. (Photographer). (2014, June 27). LGBT Teens Have No Concept that Their Life Can Be Good [digital image]. Retrieved from concept-that-their-life-can-be-good/ concept-that-their-life-can-be-good/