2| Student Enrollment Source: Wikipedia Additional Reach: Approximately 225 students are on track to be exposed to brief instruction on health information literacy through student presentations and additional summer advocacy work related to this Project SHARE initiative. 87 Total Ninety students were originally anticipated Per Site (6 sites) Two sites in Colorado
Boston AHEC This after school program met once per week for two hours at the AHEC offices. This project had an emphasis on the equity/diversity program modules within Project SHARE.
4| Boston AHEC Challenges: Updating students as they miss sessions Deep customization of lessons desired Successes: Highly interactive sessions for engaged youth Process debriefs at each session improved subsequent session planning They extended their project time-line to enhance and include all the project components that were planned
Brooklyn-Queens-Long Island AHEC This afterschool program met once per week for 1.5 hours at the AHEC offices.
6| Brooklyn-Queens- Long Island AHEC Challenges: Enrollment and retention Scheduling difficulties that postponed guest speakers and field trips Successes: Individualized attention able to be given to each student due to smaller class sizes Group gourmet: Youth were enticed and retained with specially planned food treats weekly
Colorado AHEC Two groups of very different students worked asynchronously at separate locations. They planned to enroll 24 students and now have 25. This AHEC had an emphasis on the nutrition education modules.
8| Colorado AHEC Challenges: Multiple distracting emergencies at one site Inter-site communication difficulties due to staff schedules Lack of reliable internet access Connecting the two student groups, who were on different schedules Successes: Enrollment Revised project plans to eliminate extraneous activities and focus on the Project SHARE curriculum Enhanced relationships with the Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Eastern Connecticut AHEC This predominately summer program combines several tribal youth groups who meet for three hours weekly with supplemental weekend field trips. They planned to enroll 25 participants and have exceeded that goal. This AHEC has an emphasis on cultural relevance for program participants.
10| Eastern Connecticut AHEC Challenges: Recruitment and representation from all area tribal clans Successes: Navigating community partner relationships A kick-off meeting prepared stakeholders, students and parents An existing school program on nutrition was used to Tribal legislation incorporated Project SHARE into future planning A tribal human resources partnership allows youth to earn job wages for time they are in the Project SHARE program
Montana AHEC A captive audience of 17 HOSA health academy students met as part of an academic class 1 to 2 days per week for 1 to 2 hours. This project became part of their grade with supplemental homework assigned.
12| Montana AHEC Challenges: Overall, there was limited time to include all the desired parts of the curriculum A blended school and project environment made the project indistinguishable from other academic work Successes: Involvement with the annual HOSA leadership conference was value added Innovative activities developed to enhance the curriculum Promotion of Project SHARE statewide through the Office of Public Instruction
Rachel Chase, National Coordinator