Visualization Designs--- Focal Cues
In the screenshot on the left the technique of shadowing is utilized. This technqiue contributes to imposing bias because the player is clearly shown which way to navigate. The red circle illustrates that there is a path which the player can take. Additionally, the fact that the side of the buildings have a shadow clearly points out that the dark place is somewhere the player should avoid. We are applying our sensory representations of the real world to the virtual world limiting our freedom of choice. In this instance, the virtual world is clearly highlighting the path that the player should take. In the real world, shadowing is depicted as in the image on the left. The path clearly does not have a united curve/straight enclosure depicting which way to travel. The shadow of the trees is randomly illustrated depending on the sun’s rays. The image on the right however, clearly intends to guide the player to a specific point.
In this screenshot of the real world we can see rocks and grass similar to that of the virtual world on the right. However, individuals do not get the sense of being guided to stay away from the rocks. In addition, the emotion of being trapped is not conveyed. The real world does not limit choice because individuals feel free to navigate themselves around the rocks in whichever manner they desire. In this screenshot of the virtual world shading is used to show depth and volume in the hills/mountains. These hills make the player feel as though they are traveling in the real world. In doing so, the boundaries restrict the navigational abilities and desires of the player. The shading and texture techniques provide a clear direction to choose. In addition, the object size of the rocks and the shading creates a sense of overpowering the player resulting, in the player navigating away from them.
GUI Shading
WOW uses the miniature map to the top right of the GUI to show that the character must find a quest. These quests are the basis for playing the game, as there is a wide range of complexity requiring one or multiple players to play. According to World of Warcraft, the player must talk to a non player character to find their quest and “the exclamation point indicates that that particular NPC has a quest available.” (WoW, 2009). Immediately after a player sees the quest on the map (Fig1), they find the NPC with an exclamation mark above their head (Fig2). WOW clearly defines where the quest is located, how to retrieve the quest, where to find information about the quest and even provides details about the difficulty of the quest at hand. “A yellow "?" above an NPC's head means he or she is expecting you to return to them with completed items for a quest, or news about a quest's completion. Quests are listed by color to indicate how the quest stacks up vs. your current level. Easier quests will mean you get less experience.” (WoW, 2009) The only way for a player to excel in this game to a higher level, receive trade skills and earn equipment is to complete quests. According to WoW Quest Basics, a character must spend the majority of time finding and completing quests if they wish become more powerful, “be sure to grab every quest you can find, and feel free to jump on to your next quest as soon as you've finished one.” (WoW, 2009). After outlining the detailed instructions to restrict and control characters behavior in the game the game guide ironically states, “you can play however you want, but remember, it's all about having fun!” (WoW, 2009)