Joseph Fitzwater Examining Correlations between Elevation, Latitude and Meteorological Phenomena in West Virginia
Introduction Despite West Virginia’s small size, it provides a diverse climate Size: 240 miles long, 130 miles wide Temperature spread: 149 degrees Precipitation spread: 79.51” Elevation spread: 4,623 feet Latitude spread: Less than three degrees
Objective Does temperature and/or precipitation in the state of West Virginia have a direct correlation with elevation and/or latitude?
Methods and Results Weather Data needed: Precipitation Temperature Precipitation: 106 points across the state from COOP, CoCORAHS and METARs Temperature: 87 points across the state from COOP and METARs Both pieces of data collected from
Determining the Best Method Ten random points chosen between all measured data points Comparisons of estimated interpolation values versus actual measured values were determined. These differences were squared, and then the root mean square statistical analysis technique was used.
Best Data Representations
Finishing Analysis A DEM of the Mountain State was used in comparing temperatures and precipitation A look for any north-south temperature and/or precipitation variation was used for comparing latitude with these variables
Conclusions A direct correlation was made between elevation and precipitation. An inverse relationship was determined between elevation and precipitation. Little relationship is presented with latitude for each weather parameter. This lack of relationship could be due to lack of latitude change from the northernmost to southernmost points.