This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators TA Application Procedure AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting, 3-5 June 2015
Eligibility criteria Article 16.1 (b) Grant Agreement The user group leader and the majority of users must work in countries other than the country where the installation is located. This rule does not apply : Dissemination of results – except for SMEs users must add the acknowledgement text (see: ) Third countries – up to 20% of the total amount of access units in Annex 1 AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting2 Step 1: Informal request 4 June If the access provider is an international organisation -In case of remote access to a set of installations offering the same type of service and located in different countries (e.g. users sending samples to the facility) Facility coordinator checks that the group is eligible to apply for TA
Users fill out the Application Form and send it to assign a TA Project Acronym AIDA-2020-KIT upload the Application Form to the Intranet with the status Submitted AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting3 Step 2: Application Form 4 June 2015 Facility Coordinators are automatically notified when an Application Form for their facility is uploaded Facility Coordinators change status to Accepted or Rejected
AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting4 Intranet 4 June 2015
Selection Facility Coordinator with approval of the User Selection Panel (the exact procedure has still to be agreed) Reimbursement Facility rules for reimbursement Paper work Mandatory forms Application Form Letter of Invitation/Acceptance Letter Confirmation of TA/beamtime TA report AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting5 Step 3: Selection Step 4: Reimbursement 4 June 2015
Follow-up – EC portal AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting6 Follow-up – EC portal 4 June 2015
Follow-up – database Similar to FP7 Excel database containing 4 sheets: 1.List of USP members 2.List of User Projects 3.List of Users 4.List of Publications AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting7 Follow-up - database 4 June 2015
Mandatory to include in the periodic reports AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting 4 June Reporting PublicitySelection Measures taken to publicise the TA activity Selection procedure Number and dates of USP meetings & list of USP members StatisticsScientific output Statistics on received & selected projects in the period Number of users, projects and access units Highlights of important research results from the projects supported Number and type of publications resulting from the projects supported