America’s History Fifth Edition Chapter 26: The World at War, 1939–1945 Copyright © 2004 by Bedford/St. Martin’s Henretta Brody Dumenil Ware
Section I: The Road to War The Rise of Fascism Depression-Era Isolationism Retreat from Isolationism The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Road to War: The Rise of Fascism Background Rise of fascism Japan Italy Germany – Munich Conference
Depression-Era Isolationism Early years of the New Deal – Formal recognition of the Soviet Union Repealing of the Platt Amendment & the Good Neighbor Policy Policy of Isolationism Neutrality legislation – Cash and carry policy Spanish Civil War –Popular front
Depression-Era Isolationism Merchants of Death Nye Committee Failure of Appeasement – Nonaggression Pact
Retreat from Isolationism Keeping US neutral Blitzkrieg Support for intervention grows – Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies Isolationists – America First Committee The National Defense Advisory Commission & the Council of National Defense
Retreat from Isolationism Destroyers for Bases deal Election of 1940 Lend-Lease Act “Four Freedoms” Atlantic Charter
The Attack on Pearl Harbor Panay incident Quarantine Speech Tri-Partite Pact Embargo Freezing Japanese assets Pearl Harbor Declaration of war
Pearl Harbor (p. 754)
Section II: Organizing for Victory Financing the War Mobilizing the American Fighting Force Workers and the War Effort Civil Rights during Wartime Politics in Wartime
Financing the War War Powers Act Federal Budget Revenue Act of 1942 A larger bureaucracy – Dollar-a-year men
Financing the War The Office of Price Administration (OPA) The War Production Board (WPB) – military-industrial complex The numbers – The trade-off
Mobilizing the American Fighting Force More state presence Race & Sex
Workers & the War Effort Rosie the Riveter Organized Labor – NWLB (The National War Labor Board) Profits soared during the war – John L. Lewis – Smith-Connally Labor Act
Civil Rights during Wartime Double V March on Washington – Executive Order 8802 – Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) League of United Latin American Citizens NAACP grows
Politics in Wartime FDR drops New Deal Programs Second bill of rights The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (1944) (AKA: the GI Bill) Midterm Election of 1942 Election of 1944
Section III: Life on the Home Front “For the Duration” Japanese Internment
“For the Duration” The Civilian’s job at home – Victory Gardens Office of War Information (OWI) “four freedoms” SpeechWorshipWantFear
“For the Duration” Popular Culture Consumption Patterns and Rationing – Office of Price Administration
“For the Duration” Migration & Family Life – Where people lived – Defense production in California – Relocation Strains – Racial conflicts Detroit Riot Zoot Suiters and the Riots – German Americans & Italian Americans & others
Japanese Internment Background Executive Order 9066
Section IV: Fighting and Winning the War Wartime Aims and Strategies The War in Europe The War in the Pacific Planning the Postwar World The Onset of the Atomic Age and the War’s End
Wartime Aims & Strategies The statistics Wartime Aims and Strategies
The War in Europe Our first six months of war Turning Point Africa Italy D-Day
The War in Europe Victory in Europe – Battle of the Bulge – May 8, 1945 Holocaust The War Refugee Board What inhibited the US response?
The War in the Pacific What did Japan conquer after Pearl Harbor? Battle of the Coral Sea Midway Submarines Military Command Reconquest of the Philippines Kamikazes Midway Battle of the Coral Sea Kamikazes
Planning the Postwar World The Big 3 Yalta Conference – United Nations Security Council Roosevelt’s Death
The Onset of the Atomic Age & the War’s End Manhattan Project To Bomb or not to Bomb Hiroshima Nagasaki Formal surrender Nagasaki Hiroshima Manhattan Project
Chapter 26: The World at War (1939–1945) Map 26.1 World War II in the North Atlantic, 1939–1943 (p. 752) Map 26.2 Japanese Relocation Camps (p. 766) Map 26.3 World War II in Europe, 1941–1943 (p. 768) Map 26.4 World War II in Europe, 1944–1945 (p. 769) Map 26.5 World War II in the Pacific, 1941–1942 (p. 772) Map 26.6 World War II in the Pacific, 1943–1945 (p. 773) Figure 26.1 Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP (p. 755) A B-17 Crew “Somewhere in England” (p. 748) Pearl Harbor (p. 754) Fighting for Freedom at Home and Abroad (p. 760) Please Stay Home (p. 763) A Family Effort (p. 764) Behind Barbed Wire (p. 766) The Living Dead (p. 770) Hitting the Beach at Normandy (p. 771) The Big Three at Yalta (p. 775) Hiroshima (p. 776)
Map 26.1 World War II in the North Atlantic, 1939–1943 (p. 752)
Map 26.2 Japanese Relocation Camps (p. 766)
Map 26.3 World War II in Europe, 1941–1943 (p. 768)
Map 26.4 World War II in Europe, 1944–1945 (p. 769)
Map 26.5 World War II in the Pacific, 1941–1942 (p. 772)
Map 26.6 World War II in the Pacific, 1943–1945 (p. 773)
Figure 26.1 Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP (p. 755)
A B-17 Crew “Somewhere in England” (p. 748)
Fighting for Freedom at Home and Abroad (p. 760)
Please Stay Home (p. 763)
A Family Effort (p. 764)
Behind Barbed Wire (p. 766)
The Living Dead (p. 770)
Hitting the Beach at Normandy (p. 771)
The Big Three at Yalta (p. 775)
Hiroshima (p. 776)