Exercise for specific groups Lesson 3
Recapitulation Questions to get us started: – What is the exercise referral process? – What are the stages of it? – What are some of the guidelines for acceptance onto the process? Next, complete the worksheet on the benefits of exercise for obese people. – You have ten minutes.
Aims and objectives Today, we shall be looking at the following: – Benefits of exercise for pre/ante natal women – Exercise recommendations for pre/ante natal women
Next specific group The next group that we will be looking at are pre/ante natal women. Working with a partner, you have got two minutes to identify the benefits of exercise for pre/ante natal women.
Benefits of exercise for pre/ante natal women In addition to the benefits you came up with, some other benefits are: Promote weight loss – How? Improve self-image – How and why? Return tone to abdominal muscles – Why is this important? Return strength to stretched muscles – why is this important? Return flexibility to shortened muscles – Why is this important? Improve posture – How and why?
Recommendations for exercise What things should antenatal women not be doing? Some ideas The Edexcel recommendations are: – Choose low-impact aerobic exercise – Only use maintenance stretching – Start off with very gentle stomach exercises, such as stomach tightening – Ensure good posture and work to loss of form on resistance exercises – Include pelvic floor exercises in every session. Remember, you need to be able to describe why these are important for antenatal women or, to put it another way, to describe the benefits of these types of exercise for antenatal women.
Next specific group The next group that we are going to be looking at are asthmatics. To get us started on this group, please complete the worksheet.
Benefits of exercise for asthmatics According to the specification, the benefits of exercise for asthmatics are: – Increased strength of the respiratory muscles – Improved lung function – Less occurrence of smooth muscle contraction – Greater tolerance to exercise – Less medication needed.
Asthmatics Things you should already know: – Asthma is a disorder affecting the respiratory system where the airways become obstructed and resist the flow of air. – This obstruction may be due to inflammation, mucus production or contraction of the smooth muscle in the airways. – An asthma attack is characterised by an inability to breathe out; the asthmatic may be able to breathe in but not out. – An asthma attack is defined as ‘a period of difficult breathing’.
Benefits of exercise for asthmatics Class, what do you think the benefits of exercise for asthmatics are? In addition to your suggestions, exercise benefits asthmatics in the following ways: – Increased strength of the respiratory muscles – Improved lung function – Less occurrence of smooth muscle contraction – Greater tolerance to exercise – Less medication needed.
Recommendations for exercise When looking at asthmatics, what kinds of things should they avoid and why? What things should they be doing then? The specification recommendations are: – Cardiovascular training Frequency 3 to 7 a week Intensity Light to moderate activity (60 to 70% of max) Time 30 minutes per session Type Walking, jogging, cycling or rowing – Resistance training Frequency 2 to 3 a week Intensity 15 to 20 reps to form failure Time 6 to 8 exercises; 1 or 2 sets Type All major muscle groups – Flexibility training Frequency 2 to 3 a week Intensity Hold stretch at point of discomfort Time 10 to 15 seconds per stretch Type All major muscle groups
Conclusion and checking of learning You should now know the following: – The benefits of exercise for pre/ante natal women – Recommendations for exercise – The benefits of exercise for asthmatics – Recommendations of exercise for asthmatics The next thing is to set you your second assignment for the unit. assignment – The deadline date is October 16 th.
Checking of learning and conclusion Have you met the aims for today: Today, we shall be looking at the following: – The exercise referral process: What is it How does it work Who does it apply to – You will be required to be able to describe the process (P2). – The benefits of exercise for some of the specific groups: The three areas of benefit The individual benefits from selected specific groups – You will be required to describe and explain the benefits of exercise to the selected specific group. – The prescription of exercise for certain specific groups: What they should be doing How intense How frequent How long per session – Again, you will be required to describe these prescriptions.