What is Cybercrime? Using the Internet to commit a crime. Identity Theft Hacking Viruses Facilitation of traditional criminal activity Stalking Stealing information Child Pornography
Cybercrime Components Computers Cell Phones PDA’s Game Consoles
High-Profile Cybercrime- related Cases TJ Maxx data breach 45 million credit and debit card numbers stolen Kwame Kilpatrick Cell phone text messages BTK Serial Killer Kevin Mitnick
Computer Security Confidentiality Only those authorized to view information Integrity Information is correct and hasn’t been altered by unauthorized users or software Availability Data is accessible to authorized users
Computer Security Figure 1.0 – CIA Triangle
Computer Security - Threats Malware Software that has a malicious purpose Viruses Trojan horse Spyware
Computer Security - Threats Intrusions Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to a system Cracking Hacking Social Engineering War-driving
Computer Security - Threats Denial-of-Service (DOS) Prevention of legitimate access to systems Also Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Different types: Ping-of-Death Teardrop Smurf SYN
Computer Security - Threats Figure 1.1 – DoS and DDoS Models
Computer Security - Terminology People Hackers White Hat – Good guys. Report hacks/vulnerabilities to appropriate people. Black Hat – Only interested in personal goals, regardless of impact. Gray Hat – Somewhere in between.
Computer Security - Terminology Script Kiddies Someone that calls themselves a ‘hacker’ but really isn’t Ethical Hacker Someone hired to hack a system to find vulnerabilities and report on them. Also called a ‘sneaker’
Computer Security - Terminology Security Devices Firewall Barrier between network and the outside world. Proxy server Sits between users and server. Two main functions are to improve performance and filter requests. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Monitors network traffic for suspicious activity.
Computer Security - Terminology Activities Phreaking Breaking into telephone systems (used in conjunction with war-dialing) Authentication Determines whether credentials are authorized to access a resource Auditing Reviewing logs, records, or procedures for compliance with standards