Instructional Leaders’ Group October 6, 2010
10 to Glen Rose, Texas 5 teachers 3 administrators 1 counselor 1 professional support Drumright and Sapulpa campuses
“People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care” Greet at door; handshake Use name Routine Modeling Use concepts anywhere
Powerful Must be specific Applaud efforts Find strengths in mistakes Verbal or written Modeled by leader
Developed by students How to treat one another Agreed to by students; sign Replaces rules Self-management Hand signals Consequences Modeling
3-5 minutes per day Sets tone for day Everyone encouraged to share sometime during year Applaud person sharing Use in other situations also
Totally embraced Made it their own; took full responsibility for launch at August in-service Sub-group meetings; teacher led Encourage sub-group members throughout month Affirmation board & bags
Be happy in your job/Good Things/Social Contracts/ Discipline Strategies Communication, including body language Open-ended Questions/ Listening Skills Relationships EXCEL Model Classroom Stages
Greeting at door; handshake Affirmations Good Things Hand Signals Social Contract Feedback and Accountability Meet and Greet Listening Skills Communication, with body language
Interactive Multimedia class video presentation on how Central Tech has implemented main concepts of Capturing Kids’ Hearts
Improvement in overall atmosphere of school with staff and students, as well as in their performance Encourage you to check into it and consider implementing Capturing Kids’ Hearts at your school!