Thornhill School News Issue 29 CLASS3CLASS3 CLASS ONE CLASS TWO SCHOOLSCHOOL Coming up!This Week th May. KS2 farm visit -14 th June Sports Day- 15 th June Olympic torch – 21 st June Curriculum Meeting- 25 th June. Open Day- 26 th June. School Trip – Beamish/ Windermere- 29th June Next Week 28-1 st June Friday 25 th May. Attendance last week- 94.5% - There were also 7 lates ( oh dear!) Tues- Mrs Figes out (all day) Netball club Wed- Mobile Library visit Football match – KS2 Dance Club (KS2) Print and Paint (KS1) Thurs- Recorder club Fri- Football match- KS2 Youth Club Mon- St Bees (class 3) Tues- Netball club Wed- Class photos/ Jubilee event (KS1) WLA (Class 3)/ Print and paint (KS1) Dance Club (KS2) Thur- Jubliee event (Ks2) Fri- Jubilee lunch and party Football (Class 3) PE Kits There are a high number of pupils regularly failing to bring a PE kit to school. Please help your child to remember their kit, as although we do have spares, most children would rather wear their own clothing. This week class three have been doing several short mini-projects. They have undertaken an investigation into who is the healthiest girls or boys? Year 5s or year 6s? They collected data and presented carefully, showing how the data backs up their conclusions. They have also been looking at Science Fiction writing and imagined a time in the future when people would live on the moon. Our persuasive posters have been designed to convince people to start a new life in space. We will display them for you to read. This week we have continued our work on rhyming texts and Miss Bramley has read us lots of really good stories which use rhyming words. In history we talked about all the things we have learnt about Florence Nightingale and the Year 1s and Year 2s wrote some excellent accounts. We are all looking forward to the Jubilee celebrations next week! This week we have welcomed Miss Broomfield a student teacher into Class 2. We hope she enjoys her time with us. We are going to do some research about Beamish open air Victorian museum so that we know what it will be like. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Jubilee Celebrations On Friday 1 st June we are holding a Jubilee Party for the children. The children can come to school dressed up as Royalty. We will have a buffet lunch (sandwich/sausage roll/salad/cake/jelly & ice cream) at 12pm provided by the kitchen followed by party games and then an assembly where the children will receive a Jubilee Commemorative Coin which have been donated by the Friends of School. We would like all children who bring a packed lunch to join us if possible at a cost of £2. Please book this with Mrs Toman by Monday 21 st May. School Residential visit – November 2012 Please remember that you need to let school know if you are intending to send your child on our residential trip to Bassenthwaite Manor, by 1 st June. A £20 deposit is required on 1 st June to secure your child’s place. If you need more information please speak to Mrs Toman or Mrs Figes, there are several options available for payment. Summer school trips This Year the whole school are going on their summer trip on the same day: Friday 29 th June. Class 1 is going boating on Windermere and Classes 2 and 3 are going to Beamish, Victorian museum. Please remember that costs for these visits need to be paid in advance to Mrs Toman by Monday 11 th June. Olympic torch Please ensure you return the slips regarding the Olympic torch afternoon as soon a possible. Please let Mrs Toman now if you have lost your initial letter. Farm Visit Key Stage Two will be going on an educational visit to a local farm on June 14 th. There is no cost for this visit. Please be advised that your child needs to wear sensible clothing, including waterproofs and wellingtons or boots. You may wish to issue them with a change of clothing to leave at school should the need arise. There is no need for a packed lunch as the children will be back to school by midday. Zumba Class Starting next Wednesday 30 th May a Zumba Class will be held every Wednesday in the school hall from pm. This is a fun workout perfect for beginners or anyone who just wants to keep fit. £3 introductory offer and then £4 per week. So come and join the party!! School Uniform Orders Remember school uniform order forms need to be in by Monday 28 th May in order for them to be back in time for September. Sample sizes on display in the main entrance