Gender Norm Conformity and Endorsement of the Hookup Culture Sal Meyers, Marissa A. Belau, & Tayler S. Peterson Simpson College Discussion Introduction Poster presented at 17 th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. January, Hooking up involves “casual, commitment-free sexual encounters” (Aubrey & Smith, 2013). Women who hook up tend to experience shame and regret, while men tend to be more comfortable with hooking up (Paul, McManus, & Hayes, 2000). Yet men and women have not been shown to differ in their endorsement of hookup culture (Aubrey & Smith, 2013). If sex is not a predictor of endorsing hookup culture, could conforming to masculine or feminine norms predict endorsement of hookup culture? Correlations References Aubrey J. S., & Smith, S. E. (2013). Development and validations of the endorsement of the hookup culture index. Journal of Sex Research, 50 (5), doi: / Paul, E. L., McManus, B., & Hayes, A. (2000). “Hookups”: Characteristics and correlates of college students’ spontaneous and anonymous sexual experiences. Journal of Sex Research, 37, Parent, M. C., & Moradi, B. (2009). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory and development of the CMNI-45. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 10, Parent, M. C, & Moradi, B. (2010). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Conformity of Feminine Norms Inventory and the development of the CFNI-45. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34, Hypotheses For both men and women, conforming to masculine norms will be positively associated with endorsing hooking up, but conforming to feminine norms will show a negative association. Participants N = 202N = 315 Male (β)Female (β) R Sexual Fidelity *** *** Playboy * Risk Taking.468 ***.247 *** * p <.05 ** p <.01 *** p <.001 Stepwise regressions showed that students’ views of the hookup culture were predicted by sexual fidelity, playboy, and risk taking, although risk taking entered the equation only for women. Although the model predicts hookup culture better for men than women; the models for men and women are not significantly different. Hookup culture is more likely to be endorsed by people who conform to norms of masculinity and reject norms of femininity. In the student sample, rejection of sexual fidelity (a feminine norm) and adherence to risk taking (a masculine norm) are the best predictors of endorsement of the hookup culture. StudentsMTURK MaleFemaleMaleFemale Norms of Masculinity Playboy.81 *.65 *.69 * Risk Taking *.44 *.47 * Heterosexual Presentation * Emotional Control * Power Over Women *.34 * Norms of Femininity Sexual Fidelity -.80 * -.69 * Sweet & Nice * -.19 * -.30 * Romantic Relationships * * Relational Overall, hookup culture was endorsed by people who also endorsed the norms of masculinity and rejected the norms of femininity. Multiple Regression: Student Sample Multiple Regression: MTURK Sample Male (β)Female (β) R Playboy *** *** Risk Taking.262 ***.145 † Romantic Relationship.100 †.074 Power Over Women † p <.10 * p <.05 ** p <.01 *** p <.001 Stepwise regressions showed that adults’ views of the hookup culture were predicted by playboy, risk taking, romantic relationships (men only), and power over women (women only). The two models do not differ in their prediction of hookup culture nor do they differ in their structure. Measures Hookup Culture Index (Aubrey & Smith, 2013) Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (Parent & Moradi, 2009) Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (Parent & Moradi, 2010).