Alcoholic liver disease The interrelationships among hepatic steatosis, hepatitis, and cirrhosis are shown, along with a depiction of key morphologic features at the microscopic level.
Severe fatty change liver The liver is enlarged, soft, greasy and diffusely yellow in color.
Fatty change liver Normal Fatty change
• Initially small lipid droplets accumulate in hepatocytes Alcoholic Microvesicular Steatosis • Initially small lipid droplets accumulate in hepatocytes
Alcoholic steatosis Hepatic steatosis in patient with alcohol abuse. The picture shows a mixture of macrovesicular and microvesicular steatosis and a lipogranuloma (upper right corner). (H&E)
Alcoholic steatosis Moderately severe degree of alcoholic macrovesicular steatosis
Alcoholic hepatitis (ASH) Detail of centrilobular parenchyma, characterized by pericellular fibrosis, steatosis, hydropic swelling of several hepatocytes containing Mallory bodies. (H&E)
Alcoholic hepatitis This is from a core biopsy of the liver of a patient who denied use of alcohol (despite her family's claims to the contrary). Features of alcoholic liver disease, include steatosis, Mallory hyalin, & ballooning degeneration (arrow).
Alcoholic hepatitis A, The cluster of inflammatory cells marks the site of a necrotic hepatocyte. A Mallory body is present in a second hepatocyte (arrow). B, Eosinophilic Mallory bodies are seen in hepatocytes. (H&E).
Alcoholic hepatitis Pericentral (zone 3) sinusoidal fibrosis, typical of alcoholic steatohepatitis. Also note the presence of patchy mixed inflammation (arrow) and mild microvesicular and macrovesicular steatosis (Masson trichrome, magnification × 200).
Alcoholic cirrhosis Alcoholic cirrhosis. A, The characteristic diffuse nodularity of the surface reflects the interplay between nodular regeneration and scarring. The greenish tint of some nodules is due to bile stasis. A hepatocellular carcinoma is present as a budding mass at the lower edge of the right lobe (arrow). B, The microscopic view shows nodules of varying sizes entrapped in blue-staining fibrous tissue. The liver capsule is at the top (Masson trichrome). C, characteristic diffuse nodularity of the surface induced by the underlying fibrous scarring. The average nodule size is 3 mm in this close-up view. The greenish tint is caused by bile stasis.
Alcoholic cirrhosis Vs cirrhosis of viral hepatitis The disparity between the typical cirrhosis of chronic viral hepatitis (small liver, big nodules) and alcoholic liver diseases (big liver, small nodules) is particularly evident here. The greenish discoloration of the liver with alcoholic cirrhosis is due to bile stasis.
Micronodular cirrhosis This is an example of a micronodular cirrhosis. The regenerative nodules are quite small, each averaging less than 3 mm in size. The regenerative nodules of liver in this case of micronodular cirrhosis are 3 mm in size or smaller. The pale tan color is due to fatty change. The most common cause of this form of cirrhosis is chronic alcoholism.