by ANU.S MBBS 2006 Kannur Medical College
A male patient, Mr. Arun 40 yr old business man hailing from a middle socioeconomic status came with the following chief complaints ◦ Weakness of right Lower Limb for 1 week ◦ Numbness of rt foot for 1 wk ◦ Defective vision for 1 week
The patient was admitted with history of weakness of right LL of 1 week duration ; gradual in onset and progressive in nature There is associated numbness of right foot & dragging of rt foot while walking for 1 wk H/o defective vision for 1 week No h/o deviation of angle of mouth,headache, memory loss, disorientation
PAST H/O ◦ h/o similar complaints on the opposite side (l t side) and h/o medication from Manipal ◦ No h/o DM, HT, EPILEPSY and TB PERSONAL ◦ Was a smoker for 15 yrs ◦ Was an alcoholic for 15 yrs ◦ Takes Mixed Diet ◦ Appetite decreased ◦ Bowel and bladder normal ◦ Sleep normal FAMILY H/O ◦ No h/o similar complaints in family ◦ No h/o DM, HT,neuropathy,ataxia, epilepsy
GENERAL EXAMINATION Patient is conscious,co-operative, well oriented, moderately built and poorly nourished VITAL SIGNS Pulse rate-74 beats/min BP-130/80 mmHg ;rt arm; supine position RR-18 cycles/min Temp-afebrile
CNS EXAMINATION Patient is alert with normal speech RELEASED REFLEXES -absent EXAMINATION OF CRANIAL NERVES Visual Acuity –B/l Reduced Hearing - Normal Examination of motor system Strength of muscle LtRt UPPER LIMB4+ LOWER LIMB4+3+
Plantar -extensor on right Other superficial reflexes normaI Deep reflexes-normal Ankle reflex-normal Gait –dragging of rt foot Test for coordination and movements Finger nose test-positive Heel to knee test-negative No involuntary movements
Visual acuity –Reduced B/l Optic atrophy present Hearing –Normal Examination of sensory system Decreased touch & pain over rt LL Position sense-normal Romberg’s sign-negative Dragging of rt foot CVS, RS - WNL
VISUAL EVOKED POTENTIAL (VEP) STUDY Prolonged P100 latency of evoked response on both eyes (rt > lt) ; B/L delay in conduction RBS -108 mg/dl MRI SCAN SHOWS – MULTIPLE PERIVENTRICULAR HYPERINTENSITY IN T2 & FLAIR IMAGES
3 out of 4 of the following 1 gadolinium- enhancing brain or cord lesion or 9T2 hyperintense brain and /or cord lesion if there is no gadolinium- enhancing lesion One or more infratentorial or cord lesion One or more juxtacortical lesion Three or more periventricular lesion
Pt. had neurological deficit disseminated in time He has optic nerve involvement & multiple periventricular hyper intensities in MRI ALL THESE FEATURES ARE SUGGESTIVE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS
Demyelinating disease Characterised by neurological deficits due to involvement of optic nerves, cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem & spinal cord Usually affects women (20-35 yrs) & men ( yrs) Sometimes – familial IMMUNOPATHOGENESIS In MS it is evidenced by ; 1. Presence of immune reacting cells 2. Inflammatory cytokines in serum, CSF & Brain 3. Immunomodulators are effective therapeutically 4. MS is intiated by immune cells in animal models
CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS Based on its clinical course, classified into; 1. Relapsing; remmiting type (R-R type) most common (85%) 2. Progressive type ; deterioration continues for atleast 1yr most drammatic symptom ; visual loss Weakness or numbness in one or more limbs Other presntns ; unsteadiness of gait, brain stem symptoms – diplopia, vertigo, vomiting, bladder disturbance Dementia,aphasia, seizures, & extrapyramidal symptoms are rare
Once established, the disease is characterized by remissions & relapses at multiple sites at variying intervals Post column deficits & pyramidal involvement are common Polysynaptic reflexes such as superficial reflexes may be affected early Optic atrophy,spastic paraparesis, cerebellar signs like intention tremor or ataxia & internuclear ophthalmoplegia – distinctive findngs B /L trigeminal neuralgia is characteristic of MS
Rarely combination of cerebral,brainstem & spinal manifestaton- rendering the pt. stuporous or comatose. Such cases death may occur DIAGNOSIS Cinically 2 attacks separated in time by atleast 1 month with cinically evidence of atleast 2 separate lesions in the CNS or 2 attacks with cinically evidence of 1 & investigational evidence of another separate lesion. CSF show lymphocyte pleocytosis upto 20 cells /cmm- slight rise in total protein - increased IgG component - electrophoresis – oligoclonal bands Early stage- diagnosis is done by recording the evoked potentials by visual, auditory & somatosensory stimuli MRI- plaques of demyelination
3 categories Treatment of exacerbations Disease modifying therapy Symptomatic treatment
TREATMENT OF EXACERBATIONS IV Methyl prednisolone 1gm/day for a 3or 5 day course followed by a rapid tapering course of oral steroids Plasmapheresis – fail to respond to corticosteroids DISEASE MODIFYING THERAPIES Interferonβ 1b Inf β1a Glatiramer acetate Mitoxantrone Repetitive course of steroids Selective therapy – natalizumab 300 mg i.v once in 4 wks Fingolimod Bonemarrow or stem cell transplantation
SYMPTOMATIC TREATMENT Amantadine - fatigue Baclofen, dantroline, diazepam- to allay spasticity Clonazepam & high dose INH- to allay intention tremor Oxybutinin and propantheline – to reduce urinary frequency and urgency.