Philosophical Chairs Take out a piece of paper Set paper up in Cornell Note form Title page “Cell Phones in School” Take notes on important things in the article – labeling the left side with main ideas and questions. Write down your own opinions about the topic as well about the main ideas and questions. Write 6 questions (Costa level 2 or 3) about the article.
Rules of Engagement for Philosophical Chairs Make sure you understand the central statement or topic before the discussion begins. Choose your side. Listen carefully when others speak and seek to understand their arguments even if you don’t agree Wait for the mediator to recognize you before you speak. Only one person speaks at a time.
You must 1 st : briefly summarize the previous speaker’s argument before you make your own You must wait until 3 other people from your side speak before you can speak again Address the ideas, not the person stating them Keep an open mind and move to the other side if someone made a good argument or your opinion is swayed Support the mediator by maintaining order and helping the discussion to progress
Philosophical Chairs Written Reflection 1.What was the most frustrating part of today’s discussion? 2.What was the most successful part? 3.What statements led you to change your seat or to remain sitting in your original position? 4.What would you change about your participation in today’s activity? (do you wish you had said something you did not? Did you think about changing seats but did not? Etc.) Due on Thursday, December 18 th.